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@SRaus SRaus released this 21 Nov 13:49
· 4 commits to hdl_2023_r2 since this release


1. Supported tools version for this release are:

Xilinx version: 2023.2
Quartus Pro version: 23.2
Quartus Standard version 22.1.1 *
*Quartus Standard is used only for Cyclone5 FPGA Family projects (Cyclone5 SOC Kit and DE10 Nano)

2. New / removed projects in 2022_r2 Release:

Projects added:
  ad4858_fmcz and ad7606x_fmc on Zed / No-OS support only
  ad9081_fmca_ebz, ad9081_fmca_ebz_m1_l8 and ad9082_fmca_ebz on Versal vpk180
  ad9082_fmca_ebz and ad9209 on Versal vck190
  ad9265_fmc on Zed
  ad9434_fmc on Zed and ZC706
  adrv9026 on Arria10 SOC
  dc2677a on Cyclone5 SOC
  Pulsar ADC on Zed (parts: AD4003, AD4020 and ADAQ4003)
  Jupiter SDR

Projects removed (you can find pre-built files in previous releases or main):
  daq2 on zc706

3. Known issues:

  1. Video output might not work on Xilinx platforms
    Please check the list of monitors supported by Xilinx

  2. Jesd Eye Scan application doesn't work
    There is an error 'Failed to read JESD204 device…' when 'Start' button from application UI is pushed.
    Please use a previous Kuiper Linux release until we will publish a fix.

  3. AD9081 with 122.88 MHz oscillator doesn't boot
    Evaluation Board AD9081 vcxo122p88 on ZCU102 doesn't boot due to a SPI issue.
    Please use a previous Kuiper Linux release until we will publish a fix.

  4. SysID value returned by dmesg during booting may be older that the last commit from this branch.
    This is expected since HDL projects are not recompiled if there are no changes affecting them.

4. Reference links: