This project is a Blog site written with python3.9 and Django3.2 and Django_rest_framework_3.12 which is for using api.
The purpose of this project was to see how a blog with otp authentication can be implemented using the django-rest-framework.
- Authentication with phone number and Otp code.
- Send otp code to user's phone.
- Two-step verification for authentication.
- Use cache to temporarily store otp code.
- The presence of throttling in authentication.
- Generate tokens using simple-jwt after authentication.
- Production-ready configuration for Static Files, Database Settings, Gunicorn, Ngnix, Docker.
- Easy installation.
- Ability to comment on blogs.
- Ability advanced filter of articles.
- Use the PostgreSQL database to store data.
- Existence of logger for debugging.
- Automated execution of unit tests with GitHub Actions.
- Python 3.9 , Programming Language.
- Django 3.2 , Web Framework.
- Django Rest Framework 3.12 , Web API's.
- JWT, JSON Web Tokens.
- Nginx , Web Server.
- Docker , Container Platform.
- PostgreSQL , Database.
- Gunicorn , WSGI HTTP Server.
- Git , VCS(Version Control System).
- GitHub Actions , CI/CD.
install Docker
To run this project, you must install Docker.
and also install docker-compose.
Clone the project
git clone && cd drf_blog_api
Please enter the required information in the .env and .env.db files before running the project.
Run project
create docker network
docker network create nginx_network
docker network create blog_network
create docker volume
docker volume create db_data
run project
docker-compose up -d
You currently have 3 containers running:
- web
- nginx
- db
Now create a super user with a web container to access the Django admin panel.
docker exec -it web python3 createsuperuser
After creating a super user, go to
And after authentication, create the super user two-step password.
Finally, go to the admin panel.
You can see the endpoints.yaml file to see the exact details of the endpoints.
or you can go to or to see the endpoints after running the project.
see the LICENSE file for details.