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TODODO - A simple to-do app

This is a very simple todo app with several features


I was preparing for a web dev event so i decided to make a quick to-do app to warm up. This was made in about 1 hour


Here are some of the key features of this app:

1. Adding todos

What do you expect from a todo app?

2. Removing todos

Still, no description neede

3. Moving todos to different statuses

There are currently 3 todo statuses:

  1. Not Completed (needs a rename)
  2. In Progress
  3. Done

You can move todos between these statuses

4. Editing todos

You can edit todos through a button that prompts you to enter a new title for the todo

5. Autosaving

This app uses Debouncing to autosave; This means that every time the todos array changes, there will be a timer started which when finished, the current data in the todos array will be pushed to persistent storage but everytime the todos array changes, the timer resets (basically saving compute by not pushing to persistent storage every change)