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  1. Install Docker and Docker-Compose, refer to the installation instructions at and
  2. If developing or generating the HTML Documentation:
    • Install Python with Version 3.9, see
    • Install pipenv, refer to installation instructions at

Getting started

Run the following in root folder to start the system:

  • docker-compose up --build Build Server and then start Neo4J Database and Server
  • curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/competencies/initialize Initialize the Database and Store (takes around 5 Minutes) or
  • Go to http://localhost:5000/api/docs and execute the "Initialize" Endpoint for Competencies

Set up the pre-commit hook

If you haven't already run pipenv install and then run

  • pre-commit install

The first time you commit something it will take a little longer to initialize the dependencies but usually the pre-commit hook only checks the diff, so it should be fast.


Use the following commands for development (in the root folder):

  1. Create a .env file
  2. Paste (and adjust if necessary) the following content into the .env file:
  1. docker-compose up db to only start Neo4J Database
  2. pipenv install to install requirements
  3. pipenv run python -m flask run to start the server (for Dev/Debug purposes)
  4. curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/competencies/initialize to initialize the Database and Store (takes around 5 Minutes)

Running the Unit Tests

After having executed the prerequisites for Development in General (make sure the database is running), use the following commands to run the tests:

  1. If the database is already initialized: Run pipenv run pytest tests/ -k 'not initialize'
  2. If the database is not initialized, to test the initialization: Run pipenv run pytest tests/ -k 'initialize'

Clean up Database

  1. match (a) -[r] -> () delete a, r to clean up relations
  2. match (a) delete a to clean up nodes

Train Machine Learning Competency Extractor

Use the following commands to reproduce the Machine Learning model used in the Machine Learning based Competency Extractor:

  1. pipenv run python app/ this creates the spacy files for training and testing the model
  2. cd ML navigate the console to the "ML" directory
  3. pipenv run python -m spacy train config.cfg --output ./output train and test the model with the created spacy files

Documentation of API

You can find the documentation of our API at http://localhost:5000/api/docs once you have the system up and running.

Generate HTML Documentation of the Project

A recent version of the HTML Documentation of the Code can be found in the docs/html folder. However, to manually generate the latest version based on the current source code, execute:

  1. pipenv install to install required dependencies
  2. pipenv run make html to generate HTML documentation based on the current Source Code

You will find the generated HTML Documentation afterwards in the build/html Folder. Just drag and drop the index.html File into a Browser to start browsing the Documentation.


To use the preprocessing pipeline use the following code:

from app.preprocessing_utils import PreprocessorGerman
prc_pipeline = PreprocessorGerman()
preprocessed_course_descriptions = prc_pipeline.preprocess_course_descriptions(course_descriptions)

Permission troubleshooting

If the data folder doesn't show up or cannot be opened try sudo chmod a+r data -R.

Machine Learning

To use the trained Entity Recognition Model use the following code:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load(path_to_model)

doc = nlp()

ents = doc.ents