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Taking the Basic Hello World Application in Spring Boot! further. This example creates a docker container containing a Spring Boot application with a Controller that returns "Hello World!".
Note: Refer spring-boot-helloworld repo.
- Java IDE (I am using IntelliJ CE)
- Maven
- Docker
- macOS Mojave - Version 10.14.6
- IntelliJ CE - Version CE 2019.2
- Maven - Version 3.6.1
- Docker Desktop - Version (37199)
Follow the steps outlined in spring-boot-helloworld GitHub project to create a Spring Boot application.
Add Dockerfile
FROM openjdk:8-jre-alpine
COPY ./target/com.ameyrupji.helloworld-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /helloworld.jar
CMD ["/usr/bin/java", "-jar", "-Dspring.profiles.active=default", "/helloworld.jar"]
To build the docker image run the following command on the terminal: docker build -t spring-boot-helloworld:v1 .
To list the created docker images run the command on the terminal: docker images
Run the following command to spin up the container server: docker run -d -p 45678:9091 spring-boot-helloworld:v1
To list all the containers running run this command on the terminal: docker ps -a
Run the following command to ensure the server is running: curl localhost:45678/helloworld/
You can also view it in the browser by going to http://localhost:45678/helloworld/
and following response will show up:
To stop the container that is running use this command: docker stop {container_id}
To delete the container that was created use this command: docker rm {container_id}
To delete the docker image that was created: docker rmi {image_id}
- https://github.com/ameyrupji-k8s/spring-boot-helloworld
- https://github.com/ameyrupji/docker-nginx-static-html-demo
- https://stackify.com/guide-docker-java/
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