> how get current user
$ whoami copied to clipboard!
> how get the cluster name of every aks cluster that has a nodepool size of 3
$ az aks list --query "[?agentPoolProfiles[?count==\`3\`]].name" copied to clipboard!
> how full program to print todays date --code java
//importing the Date class from java.util package which is used to get the current date
import java.util.Date;
public class CurrentDate {
//Main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create a Date object
Date date = new Date();
//print out current date
npm install -g how-ai
Invoke How with the command description.
> how get current user
Paste the copied command into your terminal and execute.
> how get current user $ whoami copied to clipboard! > whoami alex
Invoke How with a description of the desired code and set the
flag to the language you want.> how -c python small function to initialize tensorflow # import the tensorflow library import tensorflow as tf # Initialize tensorflow graph # Returns an empty graph object def init_tf(): tf.reset_default_graph() graph = tf.Graph() return graph # Create a session # A session is required to execute operations in a graph def create_session(graph): session = tf.Session(graph=graph) return session
Usage: how [options]
-c, --code <language> generate code snippet instead of a command prompt
-v, --version print version information about how
-h, --help display help for command
How is backed by OpenAI GPT-3, a generative LLM. Generative language models are unreliable by nature, and may produce incorrect or invalid responses.
This tool can help with complex queries or act as a library of difficult to memorize commands, but is not a drop-in replacement for Google, documentation, and common sense.
To see which model How uses, run
how -v
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