A php library to generate static generated sites
- Use case 1.
- Use case 2.
My infrastructure is targeted to Ubuntu 16.04 machines with last php7.4 installed from ppa:ondrej/php. I use some unix commands for some process like cp or ln. I'm sure that there are way to make it compatible with windows but I don't have time to program it and testing, but I'm open for pull requests to make it more compatible.
The source code is documented using phpDocumentor style, so it should pop up nicely if you're using IDEs like PhpStorm or similar.
There is a example page using features of the generator. I have to add some other more clear cases.
composer require edwrodrig/cassata_chart
The test are built using PhpUnit. It generates images and compare the signature with expected ones. Maybe some test fails due metadata of some generated images, but at the moment I haven't any reported issue.
MIT license. Use it as you want at your own risk.
I'm not a native english writer, so there may be a lot of grammar and orthographical errors on text, I'm just trying my best. But feel free to correct my language, any contribution is welcome and for me they are a learning instance.