This repository contains examples, templates, packages, and documentation to help Service Cloud Voice customers address some common requirements and deploy more quickly. While the solutions here are designed specifically for Service Cloud Voice deployments they will all work for standard Amazon Connect + CTI examples as well and can also serve as a reference for non-Salesforce deployments.
The repository is divided into five sections:
- Common Resources: Provide underlying resources required for some of the solutions to work. Examples include a common authentication setup for these solutions, AWS Lambda depenedency layers, etc
- Solutions: larger solutions designed to address specific requirements that customers may have. These solutions are designed for operational use. Examples include Cross-Account SMS or Voicemail Express.
- Use Case Examples: small, simple examples to address basic configuration questions. These demonstrate an approach to solving a problem but have not necessarily been dessigned for operational use. Examples inclde dial-by-extension configurations and follow-me routing.
- Launch Packs: Launch Packs combine multiple templates together to bring feature sets into a singular deployment.
- AWS Best Practices for Service Cloud Voice: documents written by AWS solutions architects that demonstrate best practice design for specific Service Cloud Voice use cases.
Name | Description |
AWSSCV-SalesforceConfig | Directions and utilities to help create certificates, a connected app, login credentials, and gathers org information. This will be used my multiple solutions in this repository. |
Name | Description |
VMX2 - Voicemail Express | Provides a basic voicemail capability to Amazon Connect with multiple delivery models. Designed specifically to function in the AWS Accounts created for Service Cloud Voice |
AWSSCV-CTRLogger | Configures a Lambda function to log Amazon Connect contact trace records to CloudWatch, S3, or both |
AWSSCV-AgentEventLogger | Configures a Lambda function to log agent event records to CloudWatch |
AWSSCV-DashboardAlarms | Configures a dashboard and set of Cloudwatch alarms allowing administrators to receive notifications for various Amazon Connect metrics. |
Name | Description |
AWSSCV-CrossAccountSMS | Uses Lambda and cross account permissions to allow Salesforce Service Cloud Voice provisioned Amazon Connect instances to utilize SNS to send SMS messages. |
AWSSCV-ExtensionRouter | Configures a Dial-by-extension option for Amazon Connect. |
AWSSCV-FollowMeRouting | Configures an option to route calls to an agent's mobile when they are not logged in, if configured. |
AWSSCV-DDR-Flow | Demonstrates how data from Salesforce can be used to influence routing in Amazon Connect. Uses a flow in Salesforce to return routing destinations |
AWSSCV-WarmingFunctions | Demonstrates how to use Amazon EventBridge to keep AWS Lambda functions warm. |
AWSSCV-ContactLens-PostCallAnalysis | Demonstrates how to integrate Contact Lens post call analysis with Service Cloud Voice. |
AWSSCV-ContactLens-RealTime-NBA | Demonstrates how to drive Next Best Action in Salesforce based on Amazon Connect Contact Lens. |
AWSSCV-ContactLens-RealTime-Supervisor-Escalation | Demonstrates how to automatically escalate to supervisor in Salesforce based on Amazon Connect Contact Lens. |
Name | Description |
Starter Kit | A single CloudFormation stack, including nested stacks, providing a combination of solutions and examples including: Voicemail Express, CTR Logger, Dashboard Alarms, and Sample Contact Flows. |
Name | Description |
Overflow Routing | Describes best practices for dealing with spikes in call volumes. Specifically describes overflow routing scenarios to keep data clean and reduce administrative overhead. |
Name | Description |
AWSSCV-Voicemail Express | DEPRECATED - Use VMX2 Provides a basic voicemail capability to Amazon Connect in Salesforce configurations. Designed specifically to function in the AWS Accounts created for Service Cloud Voice |
AWSSCV-CommonLayers | Lambda layers to provides dependencies, code, and functions for nodejs and python Lambda functions that augment the Service Cloud Voice offering from Salesforce |
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