The shell is the command interpretor in an operating system such as Unix or GNU/Linux, it is a program that executes other programs. This shell has the basic functionality, it provides a computer user an interface so that the user can run different commands with some input data.
File | Description |
AUTHORS | Provides names and contacts to all the people that collaborated to this project |
README | A simple description of the project |
_execve.c | Function that verify for the arguments and accede to the path |
_getenv.c | Function that search and return the environment and printed |
_strcat.c | Function that concatenate two strings |
_strcmp.c | Function that compare two strings |
_strcpy.c | Function that copy strings |
_strlen.c | Function that take the lenght of the string |
basicshell.c | Contains the main function |
man_1_simple_shell | Is the manual of the simple_shell |
simple_shell.h | Header file, it addresses all the function prototypes we used |
simple_shell is designed to run in the Ubuntu linux environment and to be compiled using the GNU compiler collection v. gcc 4.8.4 with flags -Wall, -Werror, -Wextra, and -pedantic.
- Clone this repository:
- Change directories into the repository: acd simple_shell
- Compile: gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
- Run the shell: ./hsh
Run the executable in your terminal after compiling:
$ ./hsh
$ ls
AUTHORS _execve.c man_1_simple_shell _strcat.c _strcpy.c basicshell.c
_getenv.c simple_shell.h _strcmp.c _strlen.c
- Albéniz Martínez
- Kelly Villa