⮞ React-album is a simple React application that allows you to view, add, update, and delete albums from a list. The list of albums is fetched from an external API (https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums) and displayed on the page as cards.
- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useRef)
- React Router (Routes, Route)
- react-toastify (ToastContainer, toast)
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies
- Run npm start to start the application
- Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the application
- App: The root component that renders the other components and manages the state of the application
- Cards: A component that displays the list of albums as cards
- AddAlbumCard: A component that allows you to add a new album to the list
- UpdateAlbumCard: A component that allows you to update an existing album in the list
- View a list of albums
- Add a new album to the list
- Update an existing album in the list
- Delete an existing album from the list
- When adding or updating an album, the application makes a POST or PUT request to the external API. When deleting an album, the application makes a DELETE request to the API.