😅 Things are getting serious.
From your project directory.
$ composer require alpixel/shopbundle
Then, you need to enable the bundle by adding the following line in the app/AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Alpixel\Bundle\ShopBundle\AlpixelShopBundle(),
new Happyr\GoogleAnalyticsBundle\HappyrGoogleAnalyticsBundle(),
new Http\HttplugBundle\HttplugBundle(),
//If you don't disable the analytics trackings, you will need the bundle above
// ...
customer_class: AppBundle\Entity\CustomEntity # A custom class extend the Alpixel\Bundle\ShopBundle\Entity\Customer class
strategy: soft #['soft', 'tolerant', 'strict']
update: false # Update stock quantity for products [true, false]
- { key: myCustomKey, class: AppBundle\Entity\CustomProduct }
use_google_analytics: true #Allow google analytics trackings with happyr bundle
The bundle is now ready to work
customer_class: AppBundle\Entity\CustomEntity
You can add a custom entity who extend the Alpixel\Bundle\ShopBundle\Entity\Customer to add your properties or also directly use the Alpixel\Bundle\ShopBundle\Entity\Customer entity.
strategy: soft #['soft', 'tolerant', 'strict']
The option stock strategy allow you to work with different behaviour of stock management.
soft: Allow the order, even if the product has not enough stock tolerant: Allow the order if the current stock of the product > 0 strict: Allow the order only if the stock has enough quantities