The AlpixelCronBundle is a fork of predakanga/CronBundle which isn't maintained anymore. It provides a Symfony Bundle capable of saving cronjob and running them at given intervals.
- Install the package
composer require 'alpixel/cronbundle:^2.0'
- Update AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Alpixel\Bundle\CronBundle\CronBundle(),
// ...
// ...
- If you use doctrine migrations create new migration
php app/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- or update DB Schema
php app/console doctrine:schema:update
- Start using the bundle
//analyze all the cron task available and register them
php app/console cron:scan
//Run the cron analyzer
php app/console cron:run
- CRON setup
In order to run the symfony cron:run task, you should setup a real cronjob on the server just as follows. This example check the cron scrip every 5 minutes.
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/symfony/install/app/console cron:run --env="prod"
Creating your own tasks with CronBundle couldn't be easier - all you have to do is create a normal Symfony2 Command (or ContainerAwareCommand) and tag it with the @CronJob annotation, as demonstrated below:
use Alpixel\Bundle\CronBundle\Annotation\CronJob;
* @CronJob(value="P1D", startTime="today 12:00")
class DemoCommand extends Command
public function configure()
// Must have a name configured
// ...
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
// Your code here
The interval spec ("PT1H" in the above example) is documented on the DateInterval documentation page, and can be modified. For your CronJob to be scanned and included in future runs, you must first run app/console cron:scan - it will be scheduled to run the next time you run app/console cron:run
You can also configure the startTime to schedule the first run of the cronjob.
Be aware that your cron will be runned by the PHP CLI so your Symfony won't have any information about your website real URL (unless you specified it somewhere). So, for example, if you use the cron to send an email, you can't rely on the "url()" in a twig template since Symfony doesn't know what your domain is.