The alma compiler.
alma is an ML language that borrows from Elm, F# and OCaml.
It is a work in progress, right now it compiles to JS, and is very much incomplete.
- Exhaustiveness checks for pattern matching and compilation with decision trees
- Cross file module resolution
pipes- Emit warnings for type signature only definitions
- Flesh out the standard library
- String interpolation
- Backpassing or await or do notation. Something to ease callback hell
- Type inference: Split global type ids into file local and global
- Error message improvement pass
- Multi-threaded compilation
- Modules and in-file modules
- Let bindings
- Lambdas
- Operators (binary, unary, math and logic)
- Functions
- Union types
- Extensible records
- Type signature only definitions
- FFI, external type and functions
- JS backend
- Pattern matching
- Parenthesized pattern
- Constructor pattern
- String pattern
- Float pattern
- Named aliases
- Or patterns
- Record pattern
expression with branches- if conditions in branches
- multiple matches comma separated
- Linear types for mutable variables
- Multiple backends (e.g. Lua, Php, C)
- Language server
- Formatter
- Test runner
- Package manager
module Demo exposing (main)
import Demo.Vec2 as Vec2 exposing (Vec2)
import Demo.User as User exposing (User)
external log : String -> {}
external now : {} -> Float
main _ =
let _ = log "Hi!"
let v =
let v = Vec2.moveRight 2.0 v
let v = Vec2.moveLeft 1.0 v
let _ = log (printX v)
let u = User.make "Bob" 42
let _ = log (User.loginMessage u)
let u = User.ban u
let _ = log (User.loginMessage u)
printX : { a | x : Float } -> String
printX { x } = "x = " + Float.toString x
module Demo.Vec2 exposing (Vec2, zero, moveRight, moveLeft)
alias Vec2 = { x : Float, y : Float }
zero : Vec2
zero = { x = 0.0, y = 0.0 }
moveRight : Float -> Vec2 -> Vec2
moveRight v { x, y } = { x = x + v, y }
moveLeft : Float -> Vec2 -> Vec2
moveLeft v { x, y } = { x = x - v, y }
module Demo.User exposing (User)
alias User = { name : String, age : Int, status : Status }
type Status = Active { lastSeen: Float } | Inactive Reason
type Reason = Banned | Deleted
make : String -> Int -> User
make name age =
status =
if age < 18 then
Inactive Deleted
Active { lastSeen = now {} }
ban : User -> User
ban user = { user | status = Inactive Banned }
loginMessage : User -> String
loginMessage user =
when user.status is
Active { lastSeen } ->
"Welcome back, " + + "! Last seen: " + Float.toString lastSeen
Inactive Banned -> "Your account has been banned."
Inactive Deleted -> "This account has been deleted."