To-do lists are supposed to help you get things done. And I suppose looking through all the stuff you still have to do each time you want to decide what to do next might be helpful.
More likely, though, it's just a time-consuming task that serves to stress and demotivate you while sending your brain off thinking about a n different things at once. That's how it works for me, anyway.
Maybe you've heard the suggestion that you paginate your to-do list--break off, say, ten things, and just look at that sub-list until it's done. Now you have a smaller to-do list. Hoorah.
Here's a better idea: divide your to-do list into two categories. One, all the thing (yes, thing) you should be working on now. Two, all the things you aren't working on now, and don't need to think/worry/wonder/whatever about until you are.
This here now.go
gives you a little bit of magic. Here's how it
$ nowserve
2010/07/08 12:34:17 web.go serving :5939
$ later make sure now.go actually works.
$ later write about now.go.
$ now
make sure now.go actually works.
$ now -done
write about now.go.
Trust it to keep track of everything for later
, and you'll have all
your attention for now
. It's (theoretically) that easy.
(Note: that heading is a lie! The webpage is still half
useless, since later
is unaccounted for.)
GUI type, eh? Well, then, point your browser to localhost:5939
for a
no-nonsense, this-is-what-you-should-be-doing-now interface.
(Theoretically, a great default new-tab page!)
Are you a robot who's just not very good at multitasking?
POST /later/ thing=some+thing+to+do
GET /now.json
POST /now thing=go+directly+to+now
POST /done done=
(The format is obviously a little goofy and subject to change. The spirit will remain the same, though.)
With a slight admonition that "you're probably defeating the intended
purpose", I point you to ~/.next.things
. Verify/reorder/gaze upon to
your heart's content. It's just plain text, one thing to a line.
Whatever changes you make will be accomodated by now.go
(just be sure
to leave it alone while you're doing your manual editing).
First, you'll need an installation of the Go language. If you don't have one already, it's easy enough to get one.
Once you've got Go up and running, you can goinstall
$ goinstall
...but this just gives you the library that the tools use. To get the tools themselves installed, there are a few more steps:
$ cd $GOROOT/src/pkg/
$ for i in *; do (cd $i; make install); done
This will install now
, later
, and servenow
to your $GOBIN
which should already be in your $PATH
The given method will leave the source tree intact in
. If you don't use
, you will want to make sure to keep the source around after
you build the library. At the moment, it uses an ugly hack to find the
static files needed for the HTML interface (see
Another thing to note if not using goinstall
: the import in
should be changed from
to alloy-d/now
If you'd like something less bloated than an HTTP server, you can
replace local now
and later
with these lines in your
alias now='head -n 1 ~/.next.things'
later() {
echo "$@" >> ~/.next.things
nowdone() {
things=$(wc -l ~/.next.things)
tail -n $(($things-1)) ~/.next.things > ~/.next.things
Now you can go along your merry way, blissfully unaware of my bloat, bugs, poor design, and any other harmful things contained herein.
I know, I'm pretty much a champion.
Please don't nominate me for the Turing Award now, though; I have hopes that I might yet do something even better.
I agree. goinstall
is an experiment in package installation,
though, and doesn't seem to consider packages that come with commands.
No good solution is immediately obvious to me.