Piggy banker is a an open source project which demonstrates the following elements:
- Gradle
- Spring Boot
- Responsive Web (Twitter bootstrap)
- Web Sockets
- Android
- Bluetooth
- Barcode Scanning
- Graphing Data Points
- Continuous Delivery
Watch the video...
...or download the app and test the live demo at piggybanker.alleywayconsulting.com
chmod 755 gradlew
./gradlew build
After building, you can run the server locally. The companion app must be on the same subnet as the host, or the host be publicly accessible with port 8089.
server$ java -jar -Dhost.address= build/libs/piggygraph-server-VERSION.jar
Put app.keystore in app/ (not committed for security reasons)
Update app/gradle.properties to include password:
At this point you should be able to build a release APK for deployment via the web console at https://play.google.com/apps/publish/
app$ ../gradlew clean assembleRelease
Put Google Deployment credentials - keys.json - in /app
app$ ../gradlew clean publishApkRelease
To enable loading edits to resources without restart, run with gradle (outside of IntellIJ)
server$ ../gradlew bootRun
JDK 7 and 8
Intellij IDEA 15+
Node.js - https://nodejs.org/
npm install -g bower