Tags: allegro/marathon-consul
1.4.2 **Bugfixes:** * Local Agent used for service list reads (#276) * Use port from marathon locathion. (#274) * Disable maligned linter. (#269) * Don't sync `TASK_KILLING` services (#266) **Improvements:** * Agents interface unification (#278) * Added a test for ACL token passing (#272) * Update Consul to 0.9.3 (#270) * Migrate from glide to dep (#268) * Update go to 1.9 (#262)
1.3.3 Bugfixes: * Reduce error logging and remove leaking Ticks (#238) * Set health check path to root (/) if empty (#235) * No service matching task id, change log level to warning. (#227) Improvements: * Substitute $HOST and $PORT* in healthcheck command (#232) * Disable Leader detection with a '*' (#233) * Update Consul to 0.8.3 (#237) * Add leader metric (#229)
1.3.2 **Improvements:** - Allow to configure startup consul agent (#222) - Remove unnecessary logging (225) - Make EnableTagOverride configurable (#220) - Speed up consul tests (#214) - Enable tag override (#215) **Docs:** - Describe how to release new version (#223) - Replace sync-leader with marathon-leader in readme (#218)