A fullscreen console multiplatform text editor with built-in file manager
bld_edit.bat - command file to build Hbedit for Windows (Borland C compiler) without GTHWG and ssh2
bld_edit.sh - shell script to build Hbedit for Linux without GTHWG and ssh2
bld_edit_hwg.sh - shell script to build Hbedit for Linux with GTHWG driver
bld_edit_hwg_ssh.sh - shell script to build Hbedit for Linux with GTHWG driver and ssh2 support
bld_gcc_ssh.bat - command file to build full Hbedit for Windows (Mingw C compiler) with ssh2 support
bld_gcc_hwg_ssh.bat - command file to build full Hbedit for Windows (Mingw C compiler) with ssh2 support and GTHWG driver (HwGUI support)
bld_plugins.bat - command file to build plugins.
bld_plugins.sh - shell script to build plugins.
hbedit.hwprj - project file to build hbedit with HwBuilder.
hbc.help - HbCommander (built-in file manager) help file.
hbedit.help - Hbedit help file (Russian).
hbedit_en.help - Hbedit help file (English).
hbc.ini - HbCommander (built-in file manager) ini file.
hbedit.ini - Hbedit ini file.
hbfuncsfull.ch - header file.
hilight.prg - editor source files, which implements the TEdit class. To include the TEdit in your application you need to link them all.
fview.prg - built-in file manager source files
hbextcli.prg - client part of "ext" engine for communication between processes
hbedit.prg - a wrapper for TEdit class, which implements the editor.
source/trie/* - a subsystem, implementing prefix tree subsystem
source/ssh2/* - a subsystem, implementing libssh2 support
source/plugins/ - plugins source files
- hb_funcs.txt - Harbour functions list for plug_prg_init
- hwg_funcs.txt - HwGUI functions list for plug_prg_init
- hwbuilder.hrb - HwBuilder plugin
- plug_android_project.prg - creating and maintaining java android projects
- plug_1c_spis.prg - 1C functions list
- plug_bat_init.prg - a start plugin for .bat files
- plug_c_init.prg - a start plugin for .c files
- plug_calculator.prg - Calculator
- plug_chartable.prg - Chartable
- plug_extllm.hrb - Llama.prg client
- plug_games.prg - A list of games
- plug_gm_chess.prg - A Chess game
- plug_gm_life.prg - A Life game
- plug_gm_sokoban.prg - A Sokoban game
- plug_gm_strek.prg - A Star Trek game
- plug_gm_sudoku.prg - A Sudoku game
- plug_gm_tetris.prg - A Tetris game
- plug_gm_ugolki.hrb - An ugolki game
- plug_go_build.prg - Golang build project
- plug_go_init.prg - a start plugin for .go files
- plug_hbc_ext_all.hrb - For internal use
- plug_hbc_ext_fb2.prg - file commander plugin, simple fb2 reader (.fb2)
- plug_hbc_ext_fb2zip.prg - file commander plugin, simple fb2 reader (.fb2.zip)
- plug_hbc_fb2_quick.prg - file commander plugin, fb2 quick view
- plug_hbc_files_compare.prg - file commander plugin, compares files
- plug_hbc_folders_compare.prg - file commander plugin, compares folders
- plug_hbc_ftp.prg - file commander plugin for ftp access
- plug_hbc_img_quick.hrb - Images quick view
- plug_hbc_latin.prg - file commander plugin, converts file names
- plug_hbc_menu.prg - a plugin, which complements file commander context menu
- plug_hbp_init.prg - a start plugin for .hbp files
- plug_hugclient.hrb - Hugging chat client
- plug_hwprj_init.hrb - HwBuilder start plugin
- plug_itutor.hrb - Tutorials support
- plug_java_init.prg - a start plugin for .java files
- plug_lisp_init.prg - a start plugin for .lisp files
- plug_palette.prg - a current palette viewer
- plug_php_init.prg - a start plugin for .php files
- plug_prg_init.prg - a start plugin for .prg files
- plug_py_init.prg - a start plugin for .py files
- plug_prg_run1c.prg - Harbour for 1c
- plug_selection.prg - Additional operations on selected region
- plug_sh_init.prg - a start plugin for .sh files
- plug_topython.hrb - a middleware for python based plugins
- plug_vcs.prg - a plugin to work with Git and Fossil
- plug_webservices.prg - Some web services access
source/plugins/python - python plugins source files
- extsrv.py
- hugclient.py
The Hbedit may be used as a class, as a library to incorporate it to your application. You just need to compile with -d__BUILT_IN and link the Tedit source files, except hbedit.prg, hbcommander.prg, fview.prg, and put following lines:
oEdit := TEdit():New( Memoread("my.txt"), "my.txt" )
to edit, for example, a file "my.txt".
Also, compiled and linked with hbedit.prg, it is a standalone editor.
hbedit [-f iniFileName] [-gN] [-xy=xPos,yPos] [-size=nCols,nRows] [-ro] [files...]
- -f iniFileName - a name of ini file to use instead of hbedit.ini
- -m - start in a file manager mode
- -gN - goto line N; If N is negative it is a number of lines before the end
- -xy=xPos,yPos - initial window position in pixels (for Windows only)
- -size=nCols,nRows - number of columns and rows in an editor window
- -ro - open file in a readonly mode
- -d - open two files side-by-side in diff mode
- -cp=CP - sets CP codepage as default
- -pal=paletteName - sets paletteName as default palette
- -his=N - overrides 'savehis' option
- files... - the list of files to edit
hbedit.ini includes many important options, you may edit it to tune the editor. See detailed description at http://www.kresin.ru/en/hbedit.html
You may download some ready binaries from http://www.kresin.ru/en/hbedit.html
Attention! Since October 6, 2023, we have been forced to use two-factor identification in order to log in to github.com under your account. I can still do git push from the command line, but I can't use other services, for example, to answer questions. That's why I'm opening new projects on https://gitflic.ru /, Sourceforge, or somewhere else. Follow the news on my website http://www.kresin.ru/
Внимание! С 6 октября 2023 года нас вынуждили использовать двухфакторную идентификацию для того, чтобы входить на github.com под своим аккаунтом. Я пока могу делать git push из командной строки, но не могу использовать другие сервисы, например, отвечать на вопросы. Поэтому новые проекты я открываю на https://gitflic.ru/, Sourceforge, или где-то еще. Следите за новостями на моем сайте http://www.kresin.ru/