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  1. Download and install JDK 11.
    1. You can use SDKMAN.
    2. Verify your version using: java --version.
  2. Download and install Apache Maven 3.8.4.
    1. Verify your version using: mvn --version.
  3. Install MySQL.
    1. For local purposes, you can use H2 database. If you do it, ensure you do not commit it.
  4. Select the IDE that you want to use: IntelliJ, VS Code, Eclipse, etc.
    1. Based on your selection, download the *-style.xml file for your IDE from Google Style Guide.
    2. Set up the downloaded file in the IDE preferences.
    3. Ensure import with '*' option is configured as 99.
  5. Download and install Postman.

[ IMPORTANT ] Step 4 is a MUST if you want to open a pull request. Otherwise, your code will not pass the check status and your code changes will not be reviewed.

[ OPTIONAL ] Sendgrid and AWS secrets MUST NOT be committed in the repository. In order to ensure that potential secrets or sensitive information do not leave the developer's workstation, you can use Talisman.


We follow the rules from Google Java Style Guide and:

  • The interfaces should start with prefix "I". Example: IUserRepository.

  • The name of abstract classes should start with prefix "Abstract". Example: "AbstractFile".

  • Package names are in singular.

  • The names of attributes/fields from Java classes must be written using camel case. Example: firstName.

  • The name of columns in the entities must be written using underscore and uppercase. Example: FIRST_NAME.

  • The name of the tables is always in plural, but the entity name should be in singular.

  • Exceptions should be handled by an implementation of ControllerAdvice.

  • All the configuration classes must go in the config package.

  • The integration test must go into the bigtest package.

  • If you add a new endpoint, make sure to set the role access for it in the SecurityConfig class.

  • [ Optional ] You will find an example of how to work with the project architecture in architecture-example branch.



  • The branch name format is: {jiraTicket#}.
  • The pull request title format is: {jiraTicket#}: {jiraTitle}.
  • The commits format is: {jiraTicket#}: {commitDescription}. Small commits are a nice to have.
  • The pull request has to contain only the changes related to the scope defined in the ticket.
    • If you pull request contains unrelated changes, it will be rejected until those changes be removed.
  • If your pull request does not pass all the checks, it will not be review until checks passed.


  • If you do not write unit test or integration test as part of your code changes, you should add the HTTP request and response as evidence that the code is working as expected.
  • Postman collection should be updated every time that you open a pull request. Be a team player!


  • Once you addressed all the comments, click on "Request re-review" button.
  • [ Optional ] At the bottom of the pull request, you can leave a comment asking for re-review.


On the root folder run:

mvn spring-boot:run


You can generate the Checkstyle report by explicitly executing below command from the command line:

mvn checkstyle:checkstyle



First Name Last Name Email Password Role
John Von Neumann [email protected] abcd1234 ADMIN
Alan Turing [email protected] abcd1234 ADMIN
Linus Torvalds [email protected] abcd1234 ADMIN
Stephen Hawking [email protected] abcd1234 ADMIN
Richard Stallman [email protected] abcd1234 ADMIN
------------- ------------- -------------------- ---------- -----
Robert Martin [email protected] abcd1234 USER
Martin Fowler [email protected] abcd1234 USER
Kent Beck [email protected] abcd1234 USER
Edsger Dijkstra [email protected] abcd1234 USER
Mary Shaw [email protected] abcd1234 USER


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