An extension to Pandas' describe function. It operates on a Pandas dataframe to produce a dataframe of stats for numerical columns and another dataframe of stats for categorical columns.
Numerical columns are selected using:
While categorical columns are selected using:
See the numpy dtype hierarchy.
- Type
- Density
- No. of Values
- No. of Unique Values
- No. of NaN
- No. of Zeros
- No. of +ve Values
- Min
- Max
- Mean
- Std
- Median
- Mode
- Skew
- Kurtosis
- No. of 3 Sigma Outliers
- Type
- Density
- No. of Values
- No. of Unique Values No. of NaN
- datasets: A folder containing a set of CSV datasets.
- Describe2 Python class file.
- examples.ipynb: A Jupyter notebook demonstrating Describe2 on sample datasets.
- This file. It contains information about the project.
- LICENSE.txt: GNU GPL v3.0 License file.
Import Describe2:
import Describe2
describe2 = Describe2.Describe2()
Generate stats for a dataset:
cars = pd.read_csv('cars.csv')
num, obj = describe2.d2(cars)
is a dataframe holding the numerical columns stats,
and obj
is a dataframe holding the categorical columns stats.
This is an open source free program provided under Version 3 of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. A copy of the license is available in LICENSE.txt at the root of the source code. If not, please see