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`Fox Project` is a config file for the all developers. It uses Lua API to be able to build the configuration.
Inspired by our ancient leader ThePrimeagen , you can find the original configs here


Why 🦊

Why not? I know, there are numerous options available, but i believe that using Vim is more that just coding fast- it's a skill. There's a powerful feeling that comes with using Vim, effortlessly controlling vast or compact code bases within your terminal without any stuttering. That's precisely why I decided to learn it some time ago. The next question is, Why Neovim?

  • Community-supported codebase. While it may have some occasional bugs, this support means that new features are consistently being introduced, keeping it up to date and relevant.
  • Lua support as its scripting language, which provides enhanced flexibility and expressiveness for configuring and extending the editor.
  • Supporting asynchronous plugins.
  • Native support for the Language Server Protocol (LSP)

Requirements 🐺


add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim

Warning If nvim its already installed, remove previous configs.

cd .config
rm -rf nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/state/nvim


apt-get install ripgrep


sudo apt install fd-find

Installation 🐈

1-) Clone this repository:

git clone ~/.config/nvim 

2-) Change directory into your Neovim config directory.

cd ~/.config/nvim

3-) Start Neovim. When you open Neovim for the first time, packer.nvim will automatically detect the missing plugins and install them.


4-) Close Neovim after the initial setup completes.

5-) Restart Neovim. All your plugins should now be installed and ready to use.

Configuration 🦩

You can customize this Neovim configuration to suit your needs. Feel free to add or remove plugins, tweak settings, and personalize it to your liking. The main configuration file is located at ~/.config/nvim/lua/badcode/packer.lua

Updating Plugins

To keep your plugins up-to-date, you can use Packer.nvim's built-in commands. To update all plugins, you can run the following command within Neovim:


Plugins 🐻

Application Description Plugin
Fuzzy Finder Extendable fuzzy finder over lists telescope.nvim
Parser Language parsers nvim-treesitter
Auto-Completion Autocompletion - Language servers lsp-zero.nvim
Undo History To visualize undo history mbbill/undotree
Commenting Commenting plugin comment.nvim
Statusline Neovim statusline lualine.nvim
File Explorer File Explorer For Neovim Written In Lua nvim-tree.lua
Blankline Indentation guides to all lines indent-blankline.nvim

Keymaps 🐿️

Command Keymap Description
splits Alt + h Create horizantal split
splits Alt + h Create vertical split
splits Ctrl + h Move left
splits Ctrl + j Move right
splits Ctrl + k Move up
splits Ctrl + l Move down
splits Ctrl + h Move left
splits Alt + d Vertical resize +3
splits Alt + a Vertical resize -3
splits Alt + w Horizantal resize +3
splits Alt + s Horizaton resize -3
splits Space + th Make vertical split to horizantal
splits Space + tk Make horizantal split to vertical
movement J Move selected blocks to up
movement K Move selected blocks to down
movement Ctrl + d Half page jumping down
movement Ctrl + u Half page jumping up
copy-paste Space + p Paste but keep buffer
comment - (normal) gcc linewise comment toggle
comment - (normal) gbc blockwise comment toggle
comment - (visual) gc Linewise comment toggle
comment - (visual) gb Blockwise comment toggle
telescope - (normal) Space + ff Find files
telescope - (normal) Space + fg Find in git files
telescope - (normal) Space + lg Live grep
telescope - (normal) Space + gs Grep string
telescope - (normal) Space + ps Grep with command
harpoon - (normal) Space + a Add to harpoon list
harpoon - (normal) Ctrl + e Open harpoon list
harpoon - (normal) Space + 1 (or 2,3,4) Jump the seletected buffer
nvim-tree - (normal) Space + pv Toggle nvim-tree
undotree - (normal) Space + u Toggle undotree
treesitter - (normal) grr Smart rename
lsp-zero - (normal) gd Find definition
lsp-zero - (normal) K Display information
nvim-tree - (map) Ctrl + v Vertical split
lsp-zero - (map) Ctrl + x Horizantal split

Want to contribute? 🐯

If you'd like to contribute to fox-project, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.