- vim (duh)
- python
- ruby
- exuberant ctags (for TabList)
- on a mac install with homebrew or port (brew install ctags / sudo port install ctags)
- For vim-instant-markdown to work, you can run
- sudo bundle install
- sudo npm -g install
- leaderkey is -
- o : toggle TabList
- f : start Ctrl-P search
- n : toggle nerdtree
Somewhere where you keep your code::
git clone https://[email protected]/ali/dotfiles.git
cd dotfiles
./install.sh vim
The install.sh script basically updated the submodules and then symlinks the appropriate rc file into your $HOME directory. The mapping is basically::
# foo will symlink _foo to ~/.foo
./install.sh foo
./install.sh hgrc
./install.sh zshrc
./install.sh gitconfig