A Chat helepr that works with Fanap's POD Chat service.
You need to Add this module to your project and after that set the internet
permission in the manifest.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
There is two another permission you need to add to your manifest
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
The first step is to initialize the Chat module.
Then you need to connect.
connect(String socketServerAddress,String appId,String serverName,String token, String ssoHost, String platformHost, String fileServer)
"POD-Chat", "chat-server", TOKEN, "",
And now it's ready for chat .
Num | Thread & Base Method | Description |
1 | createThread(int threadType, Invitee[] invitee, String threadTitle) |
Create the thread. |
2 | getHistory(int count, int offset, String order, long threadId) |
get the history of the specific thread |
3 | getThreads(int count, int offset, ArrayList<Integer> threadIds, String threadName) |
gets the list of thread |
4 | muteThread(int threadId) |
Mute the thread |
5 | unmuteThread(int threadId) |
Un Mute the thread |
6 | getThreadParticipants(int count, int offset, long threadId) |
Get the participant list |
7 | addParticipants(long threadId, List<Long> contactIds) |
add participant of the group |
8 | removeParticipants(long threadId, List<Long> participantIds) |
remove participant of the group |
9 | leaveThread(long threadId) |
leave any thread you want |
10 | logOutSocket() |
log out of the socket. |
11 | renameThread(long threadId, String title) |
Rename the thread if you are the owner. |
12 | getUserInfo() |
Get information about the current user |
Id types :
*int TO_BE_USER_SSO_ID = 1;
Invitee[] invite = new Invitee[]{new Invitee(id, idType)};
chat.createThread(0, invite, "");
Invitee[] invite = new Invitee[]{new Invitee(822, 2)
, new Invitee(577, 2)
, new Invitee(578, 2)
, new Invitee(824, 2)
chat.getThread(10, 0, [235,589]);
chat.getThread(10, 0, null);
presenter.getHistory(50, 0, null, 312);
presenter.getHistory(50, 0, "desc", 312);
chat.getThreadParticipants(50, 5, 235);
chat.renameThread(379, "new group name");
Num | Message Method | Description |
1 | sendTextMessage(String textMessage, long threadId, String metaData) |
Send text message to thread. |
2 | forwardMessage(long threadId, ArrayList<Long> messageIds) |
Forward the message or messages. |
3 | replyMessage(String messageContent, long threadId, long messageId) |
Reply the message in the thread |
4 | editMessage(int messageId, String messageContent) |
Edit the message |
5 | sendFileMessage(Context context, String description, long threadId, Uri fileUri, String metadata) |
Send file |
6 | deleteMessage(long messageId, Boolean deleteForAll) |
delete the message |
7 | uploadFile(Context context, Activity activity, String fileUri, Uri uri) |
Upload file |
8 | uploadImage(Context context, Activity activity, Uri fileUri) |
Upload image |
9 | getFile(int fileId, String hashCode, boolean downloadable) |
Get file with return url |
10 | getImage(int imageId, String hashCode, boolean downloadable) |
Get image with return url |
chat.sendReplyMessage("Reply to the text", 235, 532);
chat.editMessage(533, "edited_at" + new Date().getTime());
chat.sendTextMessage("This is test", 235);
ArrayList<Long> messageIds = new ArrayList<>();
chat.forwardMessage(312, messageIds);
chat.replyMessage("Reply to the text", 235, 532);
chat.editMessage(533, "edited_at" + new Date().getTime());
Num | Contact Method | Description |
1 | getContacts(int count, int offset) |
get contact list |
2 | removeContact(long userId) |
remove user in contact list |
3 | updateContact(String userId,String firstName, String lastName, String cellphoneNumber, String email) |
update user info in contact |
4 | addContact(String firstName, String lastName, String cellphoneNumber, String email) |
Add contact |
5 | syncContact(Context context, Activity activity) |
Sync mobile's Contact with server contact |
6 | getBlockList(Integer count, Integer offset) |
get your block list |
7 | block(Long contactId) |
block the contact |
8 | unblock(long blockId) |
unblock the contact |
9 | searchContact(SearchContact searchContact) |
search through the contacts |
chat.removeContact(long userId)
chat.addContact("Sina", "Rahimi", "0912131", "[email protected]");
chat.syncContact(this, this);
Num | Map Method | Description |
1 | mapSearch(String searchTerm, Double latitude, Double longitude) |
search in the map |
2 | mapRouting(String origin, String destination) |
give you the direction |
After creating a Chat instance, you should call addListener method to register a ChatListener that receives Chat events.
ChatAdapter is an empty implementation of ChatListener interface.
For getting call back you should extend your class from ChatAdapter
###The table below is the list of callback methods defined in ChatListener interface.
Num | Thread & Base Method | Listener Description |
1 | onGetHistory() |
Called when history of the thread is return. |
2 | onGetThread() |
Called when get threads is return. |
3 | onMuteThread() |
Called when thread is muted. |
4 | onUnmuteThread() |
Called when message is un muted. |
5 | onUserInfo() |
Called when information of the user is return. |
6 | onCreateThread() |
Called when thread is created. |
7 | onGetThreadParticipant() |
Called when you want participants of the specific thread. |
8 | onRenameThread() |
Called when you rename of the thread that you are admin of that |
9 | onChatState() |
Return the last state of the chat |
10 | onThreadInfoUpdated() |
Called when something change is the thread |
11 | onThreadRemoveParticipant() |
Called when remove the participant of the group |
12 | onThreadLeaveParticipant() |
Called when participant of the group leaves the thread |
13 | onThreadAddParticipant() |
Called when contact added as a participant in the group |
14 | onError() |
Called when something error happend |
Num | Contact Method | Listener Description |
1 | onGetContacts() |
Called when get contacts is return. |
2 | onContactAdded() |
Called when contact added to your contact |
3 | onGetBlockList() |
Called when list of block contacts are received |
4 | onBlock() |
Called when contact was blocked |
5 | onUnBlock() |
Called when contact was unblocked |
6 | onSearchContact() |
Called when |
7 | onRemoveContact() |
Called when you want to remove contact |
8 | onSyncContact() |
Called your phone contact sync to the server contact |
9 | onUpdateContact() |
Called when update contact received |
Num | Map Method | Listener Description |
1 | onMapSearch() |
2 | onMapRouting() |
Num | Message Method | Listener Description |
1 | onDeliver() |
Called when message is delivered. |
2 | onSeen() |
Called when message is seen. |
3 | onSent() |
Called when message is sent. |
4 | onEditedMessage() |
Called when message edited |
5 | onDeleteMessage() |
Called when message delited |
6 | onNewMessage() |
Called when new message recived |
7 | onUploadFile() |
Called when file uploaded |
8 | onUploadImageFile() |
Called when image uploaded |
- moshi - Moshi
- websocket-client - Websocket
- lifecycle - LiveData
- Retrofit2 - Retrofit2
- Rxjava - Rxjava
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
If you have ideas or feedback, feel free to open up issues, put up pull reqeusts, and contact me directly.