Example code for my aligneddev.net article and SD Code Camp 2018.
In June 2020, I updated this to .Net Core 5 preview 5.
I hope to show an example at my presentation and people will walk out thinking "I can do that".
Master branch is the up-to-date version.
- Asp.Net MVC Core 5 preview 4(https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-net-5-preview-4-and-our-journey-to-one-net/)
- EF Core - may just be mocked data for now
- Open API
- master - has the latest running code
- original - original written in .Net Core 2.2
- emptyStart - after running the commands above with a few tweaks
- apiHttpCall - creating the API tests, merged to master
- inMemoryDatabase - EF using inMemoryDatabase for tests
Provide a way to track biking miles for purposes of reporting.
- Reports on miles for the current year, past years, savings and expenses.
- calculate savings based on car mileage and gas prices.
I currently have a Google Spreadsheet that I use to track all of this and see this as an opportunity to write some fun code.
For the purposes of this talk sample code, we'll keep it simple and not all the functionality will be implemented at this time.
The ride information to save and returns. Mirrors the DB structure with EF Core.
used in my presentation
-- get current temp to fill in ride info Given an API call When asking for current temp Then it calls the weather Api with the correct zip code
Given a new ride is submitted When missing values (invalid) Then it should return a 503 with a invalid message
Given a new ride is submitted When all values filled in (valid) Then it should persist to the data store with those values
I have Cypress tests, and even Cypress running against Blazor, in this repo
Given the new ride screen When missing values (invalid) And Save is clicked Then it should show the validation message(s)
Given the new ride screen When all values filled in (valid) And Save is clicked Then it should post to the persist the ride
Given the new ride screen When all values filled in (valid) And Save is clicked And Post fails Then it should show the correct error message
Given the new ride screen When all values filled in (valid) And Save is clicked And Post succeeds Then it should clear the values in the form And Update totals (2nd test)
?? any needed with SPA approach?? my article on "classic" MVC testing