const moo = require('moo')
const IndentationLexer = require('moo-indentation-lexer')
// Create a lexer from rules
const mooLexer = moo.compile({ ... })
// Create an indentation-aware lexer using the lexer
const lexer = new IndentationLexer({ lexer: mooLexer })
// Specify the data
// In addition to the normal Moo tokens,
// extra indent/dedent tokens will be emitted for matching indentation/unindentation
// Indentation levels are also closed off by matching enclosures of {}, () and []
// When a separator and newline appears just before a de-indentation, the dedent
// will be emitted first, followed by the separator and newline.
// Create a lexer from rules
const mooLexer = moo.compile({
WS: /[ \t]+/,
comment: /\/\/.*?$/,
NL: { match: /\n/, lineBreaks: true }
// Create an indentation-aware lexer using the lexer
const lexer = new IndentationLexer({
lexer: mooLexer,
indentationType: 'WS',
newlineType: 'NL',
commentType: 'comment',
indentName: 'indent',
dedentName: 'dedent',
enclosingPunctuations: { '[': ']', '<': '>' }, // defaults {}, () and []
separators: [','] // defaults to , : ;