A simple Markdown to Pdf converter inside Neovim.
- pandoc
- Optional (if you want to use other pdf engine other than pdflatex):
- texlive-luatex (for lualatex)
- texlive-xetex (for xelatex)
Run :checkhealth Md2Pdf
after installing to check if dependencies are installed.
Recommended Pdf Viewers:
- zathura
- Or any pdf viewers that updates whenever changes are applied.
- Support multiple buffer/file conversion in one NeoVim session.
- Support YAML metadata template file.
- Improve config handling.
cmd = "Md2Pdf"
pdf_engine = "pdflatex" -- pdflatex, lualatex, or xelatex
yaml_template_path = nil
Start converting Markdown (*.md) file to Pdf after saving or writing the file. The Pdf is located in the same directory as the Markdown file.
:Md2Pdf start
Stop the auto-converting after saving or writing the file.
:Md2Pdf stop
Convert manually.
:Md2Pdf convert
Read the pandoc documentation or Google it to know more about variables.
Add Variables in the Markdown file by adding YAML metadata blocks at the top.
- \usepackage{fontspec}
- margin=1cm
fontsize: 12pt
monofont: "FiraCode Nerd Font"
# Markdown Title
Or create a YAML template file and place the template path in the config's
pdf_engine = "pdflatex" -- pdflatex, lualatex, or xelatex
yaml_template_path = "/home/user/template.yml"