This repository contains instructions for running airbyte locally for testing connectors.
To interact with airbyte locally , make sure to complete this prerequisites section.
A linux amd64 environment is required. We may add support for other architectures such as arm64 and MacOS operating system in the future.
Run the following shell script to install the dependencies (minikube, helm and airbyte helm repo):
cd scripts/
This script starts minikube, installs and run airbyte for local access. If minikube and airbyte are already running, just print the url for access:
cd scripts/
Go to airbyte url: http://localhost:8000
Airbyte allows us to create custom connectors to contribute to the official project. In this case I am presenting an architecture considering that they are unofficial connectors that only Hurb will use.
To contribute to the official airbyte there is already documentation that explains how to create a connector.
To create an unofficial connector, I suggest each connector is in a separate github repository to take advantage of github version control. A monorepo is also an option, but I've considered using separate repositories to get separate versions and release notes.
The steps are: create a github repo, use the airbyte script to create connector base code and copy folder to connector github repo.
Clone the airbyte github repo:
git clone
Follow the steps in the documentation to use the script:
Copy the connector folder content that was generated to the custom connector github repo and CODE! :)
I developed a custom destination connector (send data to websockets) containing CI/CD and documentation. When committing to this project, we must use tags to control the versions that will be generated by Semantic Release. When opening a PR, the tests are executed, when merged in the main, the version will be generated and the docker image that will be sent to Dockerhub.
If you want to test a connector that is already publicly available on dockerhub, skip the step of build and skip the step of load the docker image on minikube.
docker build -t airbyte/(destination or source)-YOUR_CONNECTOR_NAME:dev .
Send your custom connector docker image (local) to minikube:
minikube image load airbyte/(destination or source)-YOUR_CONNECTOR_NAME:dev
Go to airbyte url: http://localhost:8000
Go to Settings > Destinations or Sources
Click in New connector and register the docker image
Now create a new source or destination with the connector parameters.
Create a pipeline using your source or destination to test :)
Run command:
minikube delete
And run AGAIN:
cd scripts/