This repository contains the CI/CD workflows for deploying IAC (terraform) and airbyte to a production cluster on GKE.
The project contains a terraform directory that provisions all the architecture needed to maintain the GKE cluster.
When opening a PR for the main branch, a CI/CD will be executed to run the "terraform plan", check if the output has the expected changes.
When merging a PR in the main branch, a CI/CD will be executed to run "terraform apply" to create or modify resources in GCP.
Installing and upgrading the airbyte deployment uses helm during CI/CD.
To customize the airbyte, modify the helm/airbyte/values.yml file.
When merging a PR in the main branch, a CI/CD will be executed to deploy airbyte in the GKE cluster using helm.
- airbyte auth
- private cluster
- cluster separate database (Cloud SQL?)
- management of sensitive values