NFT solidity smartcontract deployment
In order to deploy our smart contract to the test network, we’ll need some fake ETH. To get ETH you can go to the Sepolia Faucet hosted by Alchemy, log in and enter your account address, click “Send Me ETH”. You should see ETH in your MetaMask account soon after!
MNEMONIC='your recovery phrase for metamask wallet to be used for truffle migration on sepolia and for smart contracts verification'
PROJECT_ID='your infura api key:[] To be used with Ethereum Sepolia Test Net'
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY='your etherscan api key'
1323 truffle init
1327 npm init -y
1328 npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
1329 truffle compile
1330 npm install @openzeppelin/[email protected]
1331 truffle compile
1335 npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider
1336 truffle migrate --network sepolia
1337 npm install truffle-plugin-verify
1338 truffle run verify AINFT --network sepolia
1341 truffle run verify AINFTLOGO --network sepolia
- Create .env file with your credentials.
- Perform migration on sepolia network.
- Verify contracts on sepolia network.
- Minting NFT ERC1155 in AINFT.sol is done during migration
- To mint NFT ERC721 in AINFTSECOND.sol you need to go to to your verified smart contract to and execute transaction with your connected web3 metamask wallet.
You need to specify desired sepolia
address to mint NFT there and specifytokenURI
e.g.( and click Write button (then confirm transaction in your metamask wallet) and wait for transaction to be mined. - To make visible AINFTLOGO-ERC721 or AINFT-ERC1155 in your metamask wallet you need to add deployed smartcontract address manually in metamask NFT tab
0 npm install
1 truffle migrate --network sepolia
2 truffle run verify AINFT --network sepolia
4 truffle run verify AINFTLOGO --network sepolia