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🎬 ClipCrafter AI

Unleash creativity and AI power in every clip!

🏁 Introduction


πŸ‘‹ Welcome to ClipCrafter AI, where cutting-edge technology meets creativity in video editing.

Our AI-driven platform is designed to revolutionize the way you create and share content. With ClipCrafter AI, transform long videos into captivating, short-form masterpieces with just a few clicks. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or social media enthusiast, our intuitive tools make it easy to craft viral-worthy clips, perfect for platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

Unleash the power of AI to detect and highlight the most engaging parts of your videos, ensuring every clip starts with a punch. Our advanced facial tracking technology keeps your subjects in sharp focus, while our automated subtitles and captions add a new layer of engagement to your content. With ClipCrafter AI, tedious editing tasks are a thing of the past. Dive into a world where video creation is not only simple but also a delightful experience. It's time to craft, clip, and captivate with ClipCrafter AI!

πŸ›£οΈ Roadmap & milestones

    title ClipCrafter AI Development Schedule
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat  %m-%Y
    todayMarker 2023-12-5
    section Setup & Dev Tools
    Set up Next.js, TypeScript, ESLint, GitHub Workflows :done, des1, 2023-11-13, 10d
    section Amplify / Infra
    Configure AWS Amplify, Backend Resources, S3 Replication :done, des2, 2023-11-13, 20d
    section Lambda Dev & S3 Integration
    Implement Lambda, Develop S3 Functions, FFmpeg Commands :done, des3, 2023-11-20, 14d
    section Front-End
    Dev Main Application, Auth, Video Upload :done, des4, 2023-11-20, 20d
    section Facial Tracking
    Integrate AWS Rekognition, Video Processing with FFmpeg :done, des5, 2023-12-01, 5d
    section Automated Captions
    Set up AWS Transcribe, Comprehend, MediaConvert :active, des6, after 2023-12-15, 10d
    section AI-Driven Video Generation and Editing
    Develop AI Algorithms, Short Clips Functionality :des7, after des6, 15d
    section AI-Powered Clip Extraction
    Implement AI Techniques for Clip Extraction :des8, after des7, 5d
    section Testing, Deployment, and Monitoring
    Testing, Deployment, Monitoring :des15, after des8, 10d


🎯 Targeted high-value features

  1. πŸŽ₯ AI-Driven Video Editing (20%) [8]

    • Auto-generate short-form videos (10%) [7]
    • Edit videos for enhanced engagement (10%) [8]
  2. πŸ” AI Clip Selection (18%) [7]

    • AI identifies key segments in videos (9%) [7]
    • Continuous learning for clip selection improvement (9%) [7]
  3. πŸ§” Facial Focus Technology (15%) [6]

    • Advanced facial tracking for focused content (7.5%) [6]
    • Ideal for speaker/influencer-centric videos (7.5%) [6]
  4. πŸ“Ή AI-driven Video Generation (15%) [8]

    • Generate engaging video snippets (7.5%) [8]
    • Potential for viral content creation (7.5%) [8]
  5. 🎬 Generative AI for Video Repurposing (14%) [7]

    • Convert long videos into engaging shorts (7%) [7]
    • AI-driven content adaptation for various formats (7%) [7]
  6. πŸ“ Smart Subtitles & Captions (12%) [5]

    • Automated subtitle generation (6%) [5]
    • Animated captions for increased engagement (6%) [5]
  7. 🎯 Punchline Score (10%) [6]

    • AI detects compelling punchlines (5%) [6]
    • Enhances viewer engagement and content value (5%) [6]

Low-value features

  1. πŸ”„ AI Feedback Loop (9%) [7]

    • AI improves highlight recommendations (4.5%) [7]
    • Adapts to viewer preferences and trends (4.5%) [7]
  2. 🎧 Enhanced Audio-Video Sync (10%) [5]

    • Advanced audio editing features (5%) [5]
    • Seamless synchronization with video (5%) [5]
  3. πŸ’¬ Responsive Captions & Layout (8%) [6]

    • Dynamic captions for diverse content (4%) [6]
    • AI-driven layout for optimal viewing (4%) [6]
  4. πŸ”„ YouTube Link Conversion (8%) [6]

    • Converts YouTube content for social media (4%) [6]
    • Streamlines content sharing across platforms (4%) [6]
  5. πŸ“Š Content Performance Analytics (10%) [7]

    • Track viewer engagement and metrics (5%) [7]
    • Optimize content based on analytics insights (5%) [7]
  6. 🌍 Global Audience Reach (9%) [7]

    • Localization features for global audience (4.5%) [7]
    • Multi-language support for wider accessibility (4.5%) [7]
  7. πŸ”„ Cross-Platform Sharing (7%) [5]

    • Easy sharing on social media platforms (3.5%) [5]
    • Supports multiple video formats and aspect ratios (3.5%) [5]
  8. πŸ€– Automated Content Moderation (8%) [7]

    • AI-driven moderation for content quality (4%) [7]
    • Ensure compliance with platform guidelines (4%) [7]
  9. 🎨 Creative Editing Tools (7%) [6]

    • Wide range of creative editing options (3.5%) [6]
    • User-friendly interface for non-professionals (3.5%) [6]
  10. 🌐 Multi-Platform Streaming (6%) [6]

    • Stream to various platforms with custom branding (3%) [6]
    • Audience participation and interaction features (3%) [6]
  11. πŸ“ˆ SEO Optimization for Videos (6%) [6]

    • Enhance video discoverability on search engines (3%) [6]
    • Tools for optimizing video titles, descriptions, and tags (3%) [6]
  12. πŸ“ Video Transcription Tools (5%) [4]

    • Transcribe video content for repurposing (2.5%) [4]
    • Convert content into different formats (2.5%) [4]
  13. 🌟 Unlimited High-Quality Exports (5%) [4]

    • High-quality video exports (2.5%) [4]
    • No limit on the number of exports (2.5%) [4]

This list now includes a core for each feature, providing insight into the complexity of implementation for each aspect of the product.

πŸ“‹ Task lists

Global task list

  1. Initial Setup and Development Tools

    • Set up the Next.js environment for front-end development.
    • Configure TypeScript for Lambda code.
    • Set up ESLint for code analysis.
    • Establish GitHub workflows for code quality checks.
  2. AWS Amplify and Infrastructure

    • Initial configuration of AWS Amplify for the project.
    • Configure backend resources with Amplify (API, Auth, Storage).
    • Set up automatic multi-region S3 bucket replication to handle the London region for Rekognition.
  3. Lambda Development and S3 Integration

    • Implement automatic Lambda trigger on S3 file upload.
    • Develop the download function in S3 with progress information.
    • Create FFmpeg commands with batch processing for optimization.
    • Utilize ffmpeg concatList.txt for video concatenation.
    • Implement StatusUploader for managing operation statuses.
    • Configure AWS SAM for running Lambda locally with Docker during development.
  4. Front-End Development

    • Develop the main application structure (Main.tsx, layout.tsx, page.tsx).
    • Implement global styles (globals.css).
    • Develop feature components (Features.tsx).
    • Use Amplify UI React library for user interface.
  5. AWS Services Integration

    • Integrate AWS Rekognition for video analysis.
    • Use ffmpeg getCmd with blurred background for video processing.
  6. Specific Feature Development

    • Set up AWS Transcribe for automatic transcription.
    • Use AWS Comprehend to analyze transcribed text.
    • Transition from Lambda FFmpeg Layer to AWS MediaConvert Jobs.
    • Embed generated subtitles into the video using AWS MediaConvert.
    • Design an AWS Step Functions workflow to automate the process.
  7. πŸŽ₯ AI-Driven Video Generation and Editing

    • Develop AI algorithms for automatic video generation and editing.
    • Create functionality to transform long-form videos into short clips for social media platforms.
  8. πŸ” AI-Powered Clip Extraction

    • Implement AI techniques for identifying and extracting key segments from longer videos.
    • Set up an AI feedback loop for improved clip selection.
  9. πŸ§” Facial Tracking and Center Stage Focus

    • Develop facial tracking technology for content focusing on speakers or influencers.
  10. πŸ“ Automated Subtitles and Captions

    • Integrate automated and animated subtitles and captions.
  11. 🎧 Advanced Audio and Video Editing Features

    • Implement advanced audio editing and synchronization features.
    • Develop an intuitive interface for video trimming, clipping, and editing.
  12. πŸ’¬ Dynamic Captions and AI-Relayout

    • Create dynamic captions responsive to video content.
    • Implement AI-relayout for optimal viewing on different platforms.
  13. πŸ”„ Multi-Platform Compatibility and Sharing

    • Ensure easy sharing of videos across various social media platforms.
    • Support multiple video formats and aspect ratios.
  14. πŸ“ Transcription and Repurposing Tools

    • Develop tools for video content transcription and repurposing.
  15. Testing, Deployment, and Monitoring

    • Conduct comprehensive testing of the entire pipeline.
    • Adjust configurations based on test results for optimal performance.
    • Deploy the solution in a production environment.
    • Set up system performance monitoring and alerts.
  16. Improvements and Maintenance

    • Implement analytics to measure the effectiveness of video processing.
    • Continuously improve the system based on user feedback and analytics data.
  17. Ongoing and Upcoming Developments

    • (In progress) Integrate Stripe for payments.
    • (To do) Create documentation for the system and its components.
    • (To do) Train team members or end-users on how to use the system effectively.
    • Integrate AWS Rekognition's segment detection API into your video processing pipeline.
    • Develop a system to parse and interpret the output from Rekognition for identifying key video segments.
    • Automate the video editing process based on the segments identified by Rekognition.
    • Test and optimize the integration for accuracy and efficiency.

This list includes the tasks necessary to develop the new AI-driven video editing features, ensuring a comprehensive approach to building a versatile and user-friendly video editing platform.

Backend-specific task list

  1. πŸ“€ StatusUploader.ts

    • Implement basic structure of StatusUploader class.
    • Review and optimize error handling in StatusUploader class.
    • Add unit tests for different scenarios (e.g., successful upload, failed upload).
    • Consider implementing a retry mechanism for failed S3 operations.
    • Document the class methods for better maintainability.
  2. βš™οΈ config.ts

    • Define basic configuration structure.
    • Validate configuration values (e.g., check for valid region, thresholds).
    • Consider using environment variables for sensitive data.
    • Add comments to explain each configuration option.
  3. πŸ“„ event.json

    • Create a basic event JSON structure for testing.
    • Create additional test event JSON files for different scenarios.
    • Validate the structure of the event in your Lambda function to handle malformed events.
  4. πŸ“Š getData.ts

    • Extract data from Lambda S3 event.
    • Implement more robust error handling and logging.
    • Optimize the data extraction logic for efficiency.
    • Add comments to clarify the purpose of each step in the data extraction process.
  5. πŸš€ index.ts

    • Set up the main Lambda handler function.
    • Refactor the handler for better readability and maintainability.
    • Implement more detailed logging for each step of the process.
    • Add error handling for each external call (e.g., S3, Rekognition).
  6. πŸ“ logger.ts

    • Create a basic logging function.
    • Extend the logger functionality to support different log levels (e.g., info, warn, error).
    • Implement a mechanism to toggle logging on/off based on environment variables.
  7. πŸ“ˆ qlip-crop-model-out.json

    • Provide a sample output model JSON.
    • Validate the JSON structure to ensure it meets your application's requirements.
    • Consider moving model output data to a more secure storage if it contains sensitive information.
  8. πŸ‘οΈ rekognition.ts

    • (Assuming) Basic AWS Rekognition integration.
    • Implement error handling and logging for AWS Rekognition calls.
    • Optimize Rekognition interactions for performance and cost.
    • Add unit tests for the Rekognition integration.
  9. 🌐 s3.ts

    • Implement basic S3 upload and download functions.
    • Implement more comprehensive error handling for S3 operations.
    • Optimize file upload/download methods for large files.
    • Add functionality to handle different S3 event types.
  10. βœ… getData.test.ts

    • Basic unit tests for getData function.
    • Add more test cases covering edge cases and error scenarios.
    • Implement mock objects for S3 to test without AWS dependencies.
    • Review and improve the assertions for better test coverage.
  11. πŸŽ₯ video.test.ts

    • (Assuming) Basic structure for video processing tests.
    • Write unit tests for video processing logic.
    • Mock external dependencies (e.g., file system, AWS services) in tests.
    • Ensure tests cover both successful and failure scenarios.
  12. 🧩 types.ts, utils.ts, video.ts

    • Basic types, utility functions, and video processing logic.
    • For types.ts: Document each type/interface for clarity.
    • For utils.ts: Add error handling in utility functions.
    • For video.ts: Optimize video processing functions for performance.
    • Add unit tests for utility functions and video processing logic.

πŸ†“ Cloud Service Providers Free Tier Overview

AWS Free Tier

  • Transcribe: 60 minutes per month for 12 months.
  • Amplify: 1,000 build & deploy minutes per month; 5GB hosting, and 15GB outbound data transfer per month.
  • Rekognition: 5,000 images per month or 1,000 minutes of video processed per month for 12 months.
  • MediaConvert: 20 minutes of video conversion per month.
  • Comprehend: 50K units of text (5M characters) for text analysis per month for 12 months.
  • Lambda: 1 million free requests and 400,000 GB-seconds of compute time per month.
  • S3: 5GB of standard storage, 20,000 GET requests, and 2,000 PUT requests per month for 12 months.
  • AMPLIFY STUDIO: Included in the Amplify Free Tier.
  • AMPLIFY CLI: Free to use, costs depend on the AWS resources used.
  • AMPLIFY LIBRARIES: Free to use, costs depend on the AWS resources used.
  • API Gateway: 1 million API calls per month for 12 months.
  • AppSync: 250K queries per month and 250K real-time data records per month for 12 months.
  • CloudFront: 50GB data out and 2,000,000 HTTP or HTTPS requests per month for 12 months.
  • Cognito: 50,000 active users per month for Amazon Cognito User Pools.
  • DynamoDB: 25GB of storage, 25 read capacity units, and 25 write capacity units; 2.5 million stream read requests per month for 12 months.
  • Elasticsearch: 750 hours of t2.small.elasticsearch instance per month for 12 months.
  • Kinesis: 1 shard of Kinesis Data Stream for 12 months.
  • Lex: 10,000 text requests or 5,000 voice requests per month for 12 months.
  • Location Service: 25,000 map requests per month and 25,000 positioning requests per month for 12 months.
  • Pinpoint: 5,000 targeted users per month; 1M push notifications.

πŸ‘€ ClipCrafter AI Alternatives


  • AI-driven Video Generation: Creates engaging snippets from videos, potentially viral
  • AI-powered Video Editing: Automatically generates TikToks, Reels, and Shorts from long-form YouTube content
  • YouTube Link Conversion: Converts YouTube videos into short-form videos for social platforms

  • Punchline Score: AI detects compelling punchlines within the video
  • AI Feedback Loop: Improves highlight recommendations over time
  • AI-Powered Clipping: Extracts short clips from long videos

  • Transcription and Editing: Streamlines video content creation and repurposing
  • Automated Video Editing: Simplifies the video editing process
  • Audio Editing and Sync: Advanced audio editing features and seamless syncing with visuals

  • Captivating Facial Tracking: Keeps the subject at the center with facial tracking
  • Effortless Animated Subtitles: Adds animated subtitles to videos
  • Automated Clip Generation: Extracts engaging segments from longer videos

  • Generative AI for Video Repurposing: Converts long videos into shorts
  • Dynamic Captions and AI-Relayout: Offers features like dynamic captions for enhanced viewer engagement
  • Multi-Platform Streaming: Facilitates streaming to various platforms with custom branding and audience participation

πŸ“‡ Contact

For any inquiries or feedback, contact me Alex LΓ©vy. Thank you for checking out ClipCrafter AI!