Slides and code for Core C++ talk 19-Jun-2024
- slides/slides_cmake.pptx - the presentation
- code/01-basic-example contains the trivial "Hello, world" example compiled with CMake
- code/02-find-package uses the find_package() CMake feature to consume the boost C++ libraries
- code/03-fetch-content demonstrates the usage of the FetchContent module by consuming the nlohmann::json package
- code/04-cpp20-modules contains the basic usage of C++20 modules
- code/ - builds all examples on Linux, except 04-cpp20-modules
- All examples were tested on Ubuntu 22.04.3 with CMake 3.30.0-rc3 and g++ 11.4.0 except 03-cpp20-modules
- Prior to running 02-find-package, run "sudo apt-get install libboost-dev"
- 03-cpp20-modules was tested with CMake 3.29 and Visual Studio 2022 17.10 (Windows)