A package for calculation and visualization of stationary or time-dependent basic one-dimensional (undergrade) problems. In the stationary scenario problems like potential steps or barriers, harmonic oscillators, etc. can be easily solved. In the time-dependent case tunneling can be calculated and visualized. Focus is on visualization and intuitive handling of the basic entities of qm: operators, wave functions, eigen systems, measurements... Speed is fine, but not prioritized.
The below example shows the time evolution of a user-defined initial wave function (a linear combination of few low energy eigenstates) under the action of a time dependend potential.
- classes for the main objects in quantum mechanics: wave functions and operators
- Handles eigensystems, observables, time evolution
- predefined and customizable operators
- easy plotting
implements a minimal working example for a stationary quantum system, mwe_td.ipynb
for the time-dependend case respectivley. tutorial_stat.ipynb
shows in detail steps for customization.
API as easy as
from qm1.grid import UniformGrid
from qm1.qmsystem import QMSystem, BarrierPot
from qm1.operators import HamiltonOp
from qm1.eigensystem import Eigensystem
grid = UniformGrid(boundary_condition="vanishing", xmin=-20., xmax=20., num=250)
potential = BarrierPot(xstart=-1., xstop=+2., vstep=-1.)
qsys = QMSystem(grid, potential)
op_hamilton = HamiltonOp(qsys)
eigsys = Eigensystem(op_hamilton, num=10)
Resulting in the plot:
The classes to describe the quantum mechanical entities are kept simple. Useability and readability of the code are given higher priority than speed. Here are some examples of the API.
Wave functions are represented as a vector (np.ndarray
) of function values on the given point-grid and take complex values in general. In explicitly real and stationary systems wave functions can also be real. New instances of wave functions can be generated and set with
wf = Wavefunction(grid)
func = lambda x: np.exp(-x**2)
Wave functions can also be set via an existing one-dimensional np.ndarray
with the from_array
Visualization is available throught
Special types of wave functions can be generated with built-ins, e.g.
wf = GaussianWavePackage(grid, mu=0, sigma=1, k=0.1)
When given a stationary operator op
the expectation value and variance can be computed with
or even for a bunch of operators, e.g.
obs = wf.get_observables([op_identity, op_position, op_momentum, op_hamilton])
Time dependent wave functions WavefunctionTD
are a list of Wavefunction
Operators act as matrices on the wave functions. Sparse matrix representations are used to store the elements for fast calculations.
Operators act on wave functions via their __call__
op_acting_on_wf = op(wf)
Two kinds of operators are discriminated: OperatorConst
and OperatorTD
Time-constant Operators get instanciated with dependency on a given grid
op = OperatorConst(grid)
To set the matrix elements you can either set the diagonal of a local operator (with a callable func
set derivatives
or use the build-in arithmetic operators (+-*
) to make more complex operators from basic ones.
op = _op * (-0.5/qsys.mass)
Setting the matrix elements all by yourself is also perfectly fine. Here mat
is a size-compatible matrix with arbitrary elements.
To fasten coding there are predefined operators that can be instanciated with reference to the QMSystem
op_identity = IdentityOp(qsys.grid)
op_position = PositionOp(qsys.grid)
op_momentum = MomentumOp(qsys.grid)
op_hamilton = HamiltonOp(qsys) # takes the potential directly from `qsys`
# as well as: ZeroOp(grid:Grid), GradientOp(grid:Grid), LaplaceOp(grid:Grid), StatPotentialOp(qsys:QMSystem), KineticOp(qsys:QMSystem), ...
When the operators have been defined via any of the above methods, the operator can be cast in sparse representation with
Now the representation is more efficient in memory and runtime.
The representation of time-dependent operators is implemented as follows:
O_t = O_0 + \sum_{k=1}^N f_k(x, t) O_k
Any time-dependent operator consists of a single time-constant operator OperatorConst
operator. Addition, substraction and negation are implemented as class operations, but multiplication (sequential application, concatenation) is only allowed with scalars. This class should be handled with some slight care, since for example the repeated addition of a simple operator is not automatically understood as multiplication with an integer scalar, thus consumes memory and increases runtime.
The main use case for time-dependent operators are td systems (with td potentials and thus td Hamiltonians).
The (fraction of the) eigensystem of an operator can be found easily with the Eigensystem
es = Eigensystem(op, num=5):
has plotting and evaluation routines implemented.
To link the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics with the experiment the Measure
class simulates measurements on wavefunctions. To perform a measurement on a wave function first instantiate the measurement with reference to the observable/operator you want to measure and specify the number of eigen states up to which the observable can be resolved. For example: When measuring the energy using the Hamiltonian operator with num_states=100
, the measurement routines will decompose the wave function to be measured into the first 100 (energy-) eigen states and draw eigen energies with the probabilities of those states.
m = Measure(op, num_states=100):
Next, specify the wave function prepared_wf
to be measured. Then the repeated measurement of num_obs=1000
single measurements happens in
m(prepared_wf, num_obs=1000)
To plot the timeline and hiostogram of the measurement, use
Note: When the prepared wave function does not lie in the span of the eigen system of m
(or the fraction of it, num_states=100
) the measurement will be recorded as out-of-bounds.
Hartree atomic units hbar = m = e = 1/4pi epsilon_0
are used in the whole code.