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Alex Hallam edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the tablespoon wiki!

Make Edits

  1. git clone <pkg>
  2. cd <pkg>
  3. poetry shell
  4. poetry update
  5. Make function changes
  6. poetry update
  7. python <> Run file used for testing functions while in poetry shell

Deploy New Package

  1. Update Version in pyproject.toml
  2. Run poetry update
  3. Build poetry build
  4. Share poetry publish -u pypi_username -p pypi_pass

The docs used is mkdocs.

Install needed packages

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material #
pip install mkdocstrings #
pip install mkdocstrings[crystal,python]

Test localhost

mkdocs serve


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mkdocs gh-deploy --force
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