Hi, this is the lemoney Ruby on Rails challenge app. This app should list some Offers to Users and redirects them to advertisor's site.
This project is a monolith with a RoRs API in backend and ReactJS in frontend.
Have the following features with their respective versions installed on the machine:
- Node
- You can use NVM - Ruby
- You can use RVM - PostgreSQL 12
- OSX -
$ brew install postgresql
or install Postgress.app - Linux -
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql
- Windows - PostgreSQL for Windows
- OSX -
- Bundler
After you get all the prerequisites, simply execute the following commands in sequence:
1. Install the dependencies above
2. $ git clone # Clone the project
3. $ cd cashback-money # Go into the project folder
4. $ gem install bundler # Bundler install
5. $ bundle install # Install ruby dependencies
7. $ yarn install # Install JS dependencies
8. $ rake db:create # Creates db
9. $ rake db:migrate # Migrates db
10. $ rake db:seed # Seed db
11. $ rake start # Bootstraps monolith
12. $ rspec spec # Run the specs to see if everything is working fine
- Add websockets/frontend loader state/blank states
- Add webhook to Advertisors can send an Order to cashback users
Thanks for the opportunity, this was made with ♥ by alexandreh92 👋 Get in touch!