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Ahoy i3wm Theme

Initially made for personal use, but released to encourage me to keep maintaining this theme and learn more about i3wm.

I'm using this theme in the arch linux, but also used it in the fedora 24.


The general appearance

how this config should look like

The tiling appearance

the tiling appearance

The wallpaper is from mound&blade adaptation and I made it from sepia to black and white if you want this wallpaper, it can be found here: hussaria image



Used for incons in the bar

  1. Download the Font-awesome
  2. Copy the .ttf file:
    • Move the Fonts/font-awesome.ttf to the /usr/share/fonts/ to make it globally available.
    • Or create a .font to make it available just for one user.
  3. Use the Cheatsheet to select a icon

Font Muli

Main font of the system, you can change to any other font

  1. Download the Muli
  2. Do the same as you did with font-awesome


Used to take printscreen

  1. Install it
  • # pacman -S scrot for Arch linux based
  • # apt-get install scrot for Debian GNU/Linux based


Used instead of i3bar

  1. Install it
    • # pacman -S i3blocks for Arch linux based
    • # apt-get install i3blocks for Debian GNU/Linux based


Used to set a wallpaper

  1. Install it
    • # pacman -S nitrogen for Arch linux based
    • # apt-get install nitrogen for Debian GNU/Linux based


Allow transparency and effects

  1. Install it
    • # pacman -S compton for Arch linux based
    • # apt-get install compton for Debian GNU/Linux based

GTK theme

I'm using vimix theme Use lxappearance to tweak the theme and font

  • # pacman -S lxappareance for Arch linux based
  • # apt-get install lxappareance for Debian GNU/Linux based

Using it

just put the content of the i3 folder in the i3 config file. It can be in ~/.config/i3/ or ~/.i3/. I'm using the gnome-terminal, if you use other, change the name in the config file.

I strongly recommend to rename the standard i3 to old_i3 and have a terminal open. Just in case something goes wrong.

Change the wallpaper and enjoy.


$mod may be the windows key or the alt key

Command Effect
$mod + Enter start terminal
$mod + a focus the parent container
$mod + b start firefox in private mode
$mod + c start chromium
$mod + d start dmenu
$mod + e change container layout to split)
$mod + f enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
$mod + g
$mod + h split in horizontal orientation
$mod + i put a border of 1 pixel
$mod + j start eclipse IDE
$mod + k start visual studio code
$mod + l
$mod + m
$mod + n start thunar
$mod + o put a normal border
$mod + p
$mod + q
$mod + r resize windows
$mod + s change container layout to stacked
$mod + t start thunderbird
$mod + u none border
$mod + v split in vertical orientation
$mod + w change container layout to tabbed
$mod + x locks the screen
$mod + y start virtualbox
$mod + z
$mod + Shift + a
$mod + Shift + b
$mod + Shift + c reload the configuration
$mod + Shift + d
$mod + Shift + e exit i3
$mod + Shift + f
$mod + Shift + g
$mod + Shift + h
$mod + Shift + i
$mod + Shift + j
$mod + Shift + k
$mod + Shift + l
$mod + Shift + m
$mod + Shift + n
$mod + Shift + o
$mod + Shift + p
$mod + Shift + q kill focused window
$mod + Shift + r restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session)
$mod + Shift + s
$mod + Shift + t toggle sticky
$mod + Shift + u
$mod + Shift + v
$mod + Shift + w
$mod + Shift + x
$mod + Shift + y
$mod + Shift + z
$mod + Ctrl + a
$mod + Ctrl + b
$mod + Ctrl + c
$mod + Ctrl + d
$mod + Ctrl + e
$mod + Ctrl + f
$mod + Ctrl + g
$mod + Ctrl + h
$mod + Ctrl + i
$mod + Ctrl + j
$mod + Ctrl + k
$mod + Ctrl + l
$mod + Ctrl + m
$mod + Ctrl + n
$mod + Ctrl + o
$mod + Ctrl + p
$mod + Ctrl + q
$mod + Ctrl + r
$mod + Ctrl + s
$mod + Ctrl + t
$mod + Ctrl + u
$mod + Ctrl + v
$mod + Ctrl + w
$mod + Ctrl + x
$mod + Ctrl + y
$mod + Ctrl + z
$mod + 1 go to desktop 1
$mod + 2 go to desktop 2
$mod + 3 go to desktop 3
$mod + 4 go to desktop 4
$mod + 5 go to desktop 5
$mod + 6 go to desktop 6
$mod + 7 go to desktop 7
$mod + 8 go to desktop 8
$mod + 9 go to desktop 9
$mod + 0 go to desktop 10
$mod + Shift + 1 move to desktop 1
$mod + Shift + 2 move to desktop 2
$mod + Shift + 3 move to desktop 3
$mod + Shift + 4 move to desktop 4
$mod + Shift + 5 move to desktop 5
$mod + Shift + 6 move to desktop 6
$mod + Shift + 7 move to desktop 7
$mod + Shift + 8 move to desktop 8
$mod + Shift + 9 move to desktop 9
$mod + Shift + 0 move to desktop 10
$mod + Pause open a menu to to logout, end session, restart or poweroff
$mod + Space change focus between tiling / floating windows
$mod + Shift + Space toggle tiling / floating
$mod + PrtSc screenshot the focused window
$PrtSc screenshot
$Shitf + PrtSc screenshot a selection
$mod + f1
$mod + f2
$mod + f3
$mod + f4
$mod + f5
$mod + f6
$mod + f7
$mod + f8
$mod + f9
$mod + f10
$mod + f11
$mod + f12
$mod + Shift + f1
$mod + Shift + f2
$mod + Shift + f3
$mod + Shift + f4
$mod + Shift + f5
$mod + Shift + f6
$mod + Shift + f7
$mod + Shift + f8
$mod + Shift + f9
$mod + Shift + f10
$mod + Shift + f11
$mod + Shift + f12
$mod + Ctrl + f1
$mod + Ctrl + f2
$mod + Ctrl + f3
$mod + Ctrl + f4
$mod + Ctrl + f5
$mod + Ctrl + f6
$mod + Ctrl + f7
$mod + Ctrl + f8
$mod + Ctrl + f9
$mod + Ctrl + f10
$mod + Ctrl + f11
$mod + Ctrl + f12
$mod + Left focus left
$mod + Right focues right
$mod + Up focus up
$mod + Down focus down
$mod + Shift + Left move left
$mod + Shift + Right move right
$mod + Shift + Up move up
$mod + Shift + Down move down
$mod + Ctrl + Left
$mod + Ctrl + Right
$mod + Ctrl + Up
$mod + Ctrl + Down


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