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This branch is 108 commits behind saltstack-formulas/hadoop-formula:master.

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Formula to set up and configure hadoop components

Available states

Downloads the hadoop tarball from the hadoop:source_url, installs the package, creates the hadoop group for all other components to share.

Installs the hdfs service configuration and starts the hdfs services. Which services hadoop ends up running on a given host depends on the roles defined via salt grains:

  • hadoop_master will run the hadoop-namenode and hadoop-secondarynamenode services
  • hadoop_slave will run the hadoop-datanode service
  - hadoop_slave

Installs the mapreduce service scripts and configuration, adds directories. Which services end up running on a given host will again depend on the role(s) assigned via grains:

  • hadoop_master will run the hadoop-jobtracker service
  • hadoop_slave will run the hadoop-tasktracker service

Install snappy and snappy-devel system packages, adds a jar and shared lib compiled off of and also puts symlinks to the snappy libs in place, thus providing compression with snappy to the ecosystem.

Installs the yarn daemon scripts and configuration (if a hadoop 2.2+ version was installed), adds directories. Which services end up running on a given host will again depend on the role(s) assigned via grains:

  • hadoop_master will run the hadoop-resourcemanager service
  • hadoop_slave will run the hadoop-nodemanager service

Formula Dependencies

  • hostsfile
  • sun-java

Salt Minion Configuration

As mentioned above, all installation and configuration is assinged via roles. Mounted disks (or just directories) can be configured for use with hdfs and mapreduce via grains.

Example /etc/salt/grains for a datanode:

  - /data1
  - /data2
  - /data3
  - /data4

  - /data1
  - /data2
  - /data3
  - /data4

  - /data1
  - /data2
  - /data3
  - /data4

  - hadoop_slave

For the namenode address to be dynamically configured it is necessary to setup salt mine like below:

  network.interfaces: []
  grains.items: []

One thing to keep in mind here is that the implementation currently relies on the minion_id of all nodes to match their FQDN (which is the default) and working name resolution.

Hadoop configuration

The hadoop formula exposes the general (cluster-independent) part of the main configuration files (core-site.xml, hdfs-site.sml, mapred-site.xml) as pillar keys.


    tmp_dir: /var/lib/hadoop/tmp
    directory: /etc/hadoop/conf
        value: true
        value: 65536
        value: 60

Where the core-site part will appear in core-site.xml as:




Please note that host- and cluster-specific values are not exposed - the formula controls these (think: