Final version of The Baking App, created as part of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree
Disable Instant Run before running in Android Studio as it is known to cause issues with the SugarORM library used.
Android app which lets the user see a list of recipes from a JSON list. RecyclerView has been used wherever required. Master-Flow layout has been used for tablets to enhance UX. Has a homescreen widget to display ingredients for a specific recipe selected by the user. ExoPlayer retains state on rotation and after resuming from background. All RecyclerViews also retain their scroll positions.
ButterKnife - Data Binding
Picasso - Downloading images
SugarORM - Managing DB
ExoPlayer - Playing step videos
Espresso - UI Testing
Nexus 5X (Android 8.0) - Emulator
Nexus 7 (Android 8.0) - Emulator.