Neat utils api for easier plugin development time in spigot.
All you need to do is download the jar from releases and then add it to your project or download the src code and compile your self then add.
(i am using Lombok hence @Getter)
private @Getter Utils utils;
public void onEnable() {
utils = new Utils(this);
Player player = ...; //In this case you would have a player
player.sendMessage(Chat.format("&aThis is a chat message!"));
player.sendMessage(Chat.format("&a" + ChatIcon.CHECKMARK));
Chat.sendActionBar(player, Chat.format("&aWow!"));
Chat.sendTitle(player, Chat.format("&aThis is a title!"), Chat.format("&aThis is a subtitle!"));
//params are: world, timeTicks, isRaining
//world = get world.
//timeTicks = set world time.
//isRaining = if true then the world would be raining.
utils.tickTimeAndWeather(player.getWorld(), 6000, true);
this is it for now!