This repository is a mini blueprint of how you can communicate with Python using Python Gateway, a new feature available in InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2020.3+
This blueprint is contains two containers:
- iris: a basic setup is being made to enter a python gateway as a new object gateway
- python: a basic structure to develop python applications using multi-stage approach to build an application and run it on minimal required footprint. A InterSystems Python Gateway is a new feature which enables you to invoke python created classes within InterSystems objectscript and incorporate it within your application.
- Docker
- access to docker hub
Start the containers:
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it iris-pygw-blueprint_iris_1 iris session IRIS
run the following code to test it
set st = ##class(abc.python).connectToGateway("pogs",.GW)
set person = ##class(%Net.Remote.Object).%New(GW,"PersonDemo.Person")
write !,"Default values: ",person.displayPerson()