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selenosis kubernetes deployment

Clone deployment files

git clone && cd selenosis-deploy

Create namespace

 kubectl apply -f 01-namespace.yaml

Create config map from config file

Check for config examples. Create your own config and create config map from it, config file can be YAML or JSON.

 kubectl create cm selenosis-config --from-file=browsers.json=browsers.json -n selenosis
 kubectl create cm selenosis-config --from-file=browsers.yaml=browsers.yaml -n selenosis

Create kubernetes service

 kubectl apply -f 02-service.yaml

Check service status

kubectl get svc -n selenosis
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
seleniferous    ClusterIP      None           <none>        <none>           8h
selenosis       LoadBalancer   <pending>     4444:31000/TCP   8h

If external IP is not assigned for selenosis use kubernetes node as access point


Deploy selenosis

kubectl apply -f 03-selenosis.yaml

Check deployment status

kubectl get po -n selenosis
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
selenosis-694c76f757-5m2ws     1/1     Running   0          132m
selenosis-694c76f757-6bgwl     1/1     Running   0          132m

If you need UI for your tests perform command

Deploy selenoid-ui

kubectl apply -f 04-selenoid-ui.yaml

Deploy selenosis hpa

kubectl apply -f 05-selenosis-hpa.yaml

Check deployment status

kubectl get po -n selenosis
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
selenoid-ui-5bcc66c78d-dj7z7   2/2     Running   0          18m
selenosis-694c76f757-5m2ws     1/1     Running   0          132m
selenosis-694c76f757-6bgwl     1/1     Running   0          132m

Check service status

kubectl get svc -n selenosis
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
selenoid-ui     LoadBalancer    <pending>     8080:32000/TCP   8h
seleniferous    ClusterIP      None           <none>        <none>           8h
selenosis       LoadBalancer   <pending>     4444:31000/TCP   8h

If external IP is not assigned for selenoid-ui use kubernetes node as access point
