Creation of a client-server communication system and sending packets according to TCP/IP protocol standards in c
to launch the ftp project you must pass it a folder where it will store the information exchanged and the packets (file received) and the port on which you want to listen
./myftp path port
The following are the FTP commands from client to server:
USER <SP> <username> <CRLF> : Specify user for authentication
PASS <SP> <password> <CRLF> : Specify password for authentication
CWD <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> : Change working directory
CDUP <CRLF> : Change working directory to parent directory
QUIT <CRLF> : Disconnection
DELE <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> : Delete file on the server
PWD <CRLF> : Print working directory
PASV <CRLF> : Enable "passive" mode for data transfer
PORT <SP> <host-port> <CRLF> : Enable "active" mode for data transfer
HELP [<SP> <string>] <CRLF> : List available commands
NOOP <CRLF> : Do nothing
(the following are commands using data transfer )
RETR <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> : Download file from server to client
STOR <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> : Upload file from client to server
LIST [<SP> <pathname>] <CRLF> : List files in the current working directory
Command-Reply Sequences
The server reply is defined to contain the 3-digit code, followed by Space , followed by one line of text, and terminated by the Telnet end-of-line code .
Example :
-> USER Username <- 331 User name okay, need password. -> PASS Password <- 230 User logged in, proceed.
-> : Request command from client to server <- : Reply from server to client
Connection Establishment
<- 220
<- 230
<- xxx
<- 331
<- 230
<- 332
<- xxx
CWD ->
<- 250
<- xxx
<- 200
<- xxx
<- 221
<- xxx
Transfer parameters
<- 200
<- xxx
<- 227
<- xxx
File action commands
<- 150
<- 226
<- xxx
<- xxx
<- 150
<- 226
<- xxx
<- xxx
<- 150
<- 226
<- xxx
<- xxx
<- 250
<- xxx
PWD ->
<- 257
<- xxx
Informational commands
<- 214
<- xxx
Miscellaneous commands
<- 200
<- xxx
Numeric Order List of Mandatory Reply Codes (Extract)
120 Service ready in nnn minutes.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
200 Command okay.
214 Help message.
On how to use the server or the meaning of a particular
non-standard command. This reply is useful only to the
human user.
220 Service ready for new user.
221 Service closing control connection.
Logged out if appropriate.
226 Closing data connection.
Requested file action successful (for example, file
transfer or file abort).
227 Entering Passive Mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2).
230 User logged in, proceed.
250 Requested file action okay, completed.
257 "PATHNAME" created.
331 User name okay, need password.
332 Need account for login.