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alangrafu edited this page Oct 25, 2012 · 1 revision

In Visualbox you can add and edit endpoints that later can be used to request data. First, click on the endpoints link on the top menu as in Figure 1

Figure 1

You will be redirected to the new page similar to this

Figure 2

Write a new name in the shortname input box (say remoteEndpoint) and include the URL in the next input. Click on Submit and the endpoint will be included in the list. Now you can create models in your visualizations using remoteEndpoint/newModel that will query that endpoint

Updating local endpoint

The local endpoint is a special one, since it is the one used by default by Visualbox (e.g., you don't need to specify it when creating a model like in the case of remoteEndpoint). You can change it by click on the correspondent edit button, change the URL and click Submit