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This gem supersedes FlatMap gem. With only it's core concepts in mind it has been written from complete scratch to provide more pure, clean, extensible code and reliable functionality.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'flatter'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install flatter


If you happen to use FlatMap gem , check out Flatter and FlatMap: What's Changed wiki page.

Flatter's main working units are instances of Mapper class. Mappers are essentially wrappers around your related ActiveModel-like objects, map their attributes to mapper's accessors via mappings, can be mounted by other mappers, and can define flexible behavior via traits. Let's cover this topics one by one.


Mappings represent a mapper's property, which maps it to some attribute of the target object. Since eventually mappers are used in combination with each other, it is better to map model's attribute with a unique "full name" to avoid collisions, for example:

# models:
class Person
  include ActiveModel::Model

  attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name

class Group
  include ActiveModel::Model

  attr_accessor :name

class Department
  include ActiveModel::Model

  attr_accessor :name

# mappers:
class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :first_name, :last_name
  # it's ok, since :first_name and :last_name attributes are
  # not likely to be used somewhere else

class GroupMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map group_name: :name
  # maps mapper's :group_name attribute to target's :name attribute

class DepartmentMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map department_name: :name
  # maps mapper's :department_name attribute to target's :name attribute

Mapping Options

  • :reader Allows to add a custom logic for reading target's attribute. When value is Symbol, calls a method defined by a mapper class. If that method accepts an argument, mapping name will be passed to it. When value is Proc, it is executed in context of mapper object, yielding mapping name if block has arity of 1. For other arbitrary objects (including Strings) will simply return that object.

  • :writer Allows to control a way how value is assigned (written). When value is Symbol, calls a method defined by a mapper class, passing a value to it. If that method accepts second argument, mapping name will be additionally passed to it. When value is Proc, it is executed in context of mapper object, yielding value and optionally mapping name if block has arity of 2. For other values will raise error.


Stand-alone mappers provide not very much benefit. However, mappers have a powerful ability to be mounted on top of each other. When mapper mounts another one, it gains access to all of it's mappings, and they become accessible in a plain way.

For example, having Person, Department and Group classes defined above with additional sample relationship we might have:

# models:
class Person
  def department
    @department ||= 'Default')

  def group
    @group ||= 'General')

# mappers:
class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :first_name, :last_name

  mount :department
  mount :group

person = 'John', last_name: 'Smith')
mapper = # =>
  # { 'first_name'      => 'John',
  #   'last_name'       => 'Smith',
  #   'department_name' => 'Default',
  #   'group_name'      => 'General' }

mapper.group_name = 'Managers' # => "Managers"

Mounting Options

  • :mapper_class_name Name of the mapper class (String) if it cannot be determined from the mounting name itself. By default it is camelized name followed by 'Mapper', for example, for :group mounting, default mapper class name is 'GroupMapper'.

  • :mapper_class Used mostly internally, but allows to specify mapper class itself. Has more priority than :mapper_class_name option.

  • :target Allows to manually set mounted mapper's target. By default target is obtained from mounting mapper's target by sending it mounting name. In example above target for :group mapping was obtained by sending :group method to person object, which was the target of root mapper. When value is String or Symbol, it is considered as a method name of the mapper, which is called with no arguments. When value is Proc, it is called yielding mapper's target to it. For other objects, objects themselves are used as targets.

  • :traits Allows to specify a list of traits to be applied for mounted mappers. See Traits section bellow.


Mappers include ActiveModel::Validation module and thus support ActiveSupport's callbacks. Additionally, :save callbacks have been defined for Flatter::Mapper, so you can do something like set_callback :save, :after, :send_invitation.

Mapper and Target Validations

If mapper's target responds to valid? method, it will be called upon mapper's validation. If target is invalid, mapper will receive :target, :invalid error. Additionally, all target's errors on attributes that have declared mapping will be consolidated with mapper's errors.


Traits are another powerful mapper ability. Traits allow to encapsulate named sets of additional definitions, and optionally use them on mapper initialization or when mounting mapper in other one. Everything that can be defined within the mapper can be defined withing the trait. For example (suppose we have some additional :with_counts trait defined on DepartmentMapper alongside with model relationships):

class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :first_name, :last_name

  trait :full_info do
    map :middle_name, dob: :date_of_birth

    mount :group

  trait :with_department do
    mount :department, traits: :with_counts

mapper =
full_mapper =, :full_info, :with_department) # =>
  # { 'first_name'      => 'John',
  #   'last_name'       => 'Smith' } # =>
  # { 'first_name'              => 'John',
  #   'last_name'               => 'Smith',
  #   'middle_name'             => nil,
  #   'dob'                     => Wed, 18 Feb 1981,
  #   'group_name'              => 'General'
  #   'department_name'         => 'Default',
  #   'department_people_count' => 31 }

Traits and callbacks

Since traits are internally mappers (which allows you to define everything mapper can), you can also define callbacks on traits, allowing you to dynamically opt-in, opt-out and reuse functionality. Keep in mind that ActiveModel's validation routines are also just a set of callbacks, meaning that you can define sets of validation in traits, mix them together in any way. For example:

class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :first_name, :last_name

  trait :registration do
    map personal_email: :email

    validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name
    validates :personal_email, :presence: true, email: true

    set_callback :save, :after, :send_greeting

    def send_greeting

Traits and shared methods

Despite the fact traits are separate objects, you can call methods defined in one trait from another trait, as well as methods defined in root mapper itself (such as attribute methods). That allows you to treat traits as parts of the root mapper.

Inline extension traits

When initializing a mapper, or defining a mounting, you can pass a block with additional definitions. This block will be treated as an anonymous extension trait. For example, let's suppose that email from example above is actually a part of another User model that has it's own UserMapper with defined :email mapping. Then we might have something like:

class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :first_name, :last_name

  trait :registration do
    validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name

    mount :user do
      validates :email, :presence: true, email: true
      set_callback :save, :after, :send_greeting

      def send_greeting

Processing Order

Flatter mappers have a well-defined processing order of mountings (including traits), best shown by example. Suppose we have something like this:

class AMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  trait :trait_a1 do
    mount :b, traits: :trait_b do
      # extension callbacks definitions

  trait :trait_a2 do
    mount :c

  mount :d

Mappers are processed (validated and saved) from top to bottom. Let's have initialized

mapper =, :trait_a2, :trait_a1)

Please note traits order, it is very important: :trait_a2 goes first, so it's callbacks and mountings will go first too. So if we call, we will have following execution order (suppose, we have defined callbacks for all traits and mappers):


Attribute methods

All mappers can access mapped values via attribute methods that match mapping names. That allows you to easily use mappers for building forms or developing other functionality.

You also have reader methods that match mounting names. They will return value read for a specific mounting (including it's own nested mountings). For example:

class UserMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :email

  mount :person do
    map :first_name, :last_name

    mount :phone do
      map phone_number: :number

mapper = = "[email protected]"
mapper.first_name = "John"
mapper.phone_number = "111-222-3333" # =>
  # { "email" => "[email protected]",
  #   "first_name" => "John",
  #   "last_name" => nil,
  #   "phone_number" => "111-222-3333" }

mapper.person # =>
  # { "first_name" => "John",
  #   "last_name" => nil,
  #   "phone_number" => "111-222-3333" } # =>
  # { "phone_number" => "111-222-3333" }

Please also read "Attribute methods" subsection for Collections bellow for details on what methods do you get when mapping collections.


Starting from version 0.2.0, Flatter mappers also support handling of collections.


To declare a mapper that will handle a collection of items, simply mount it with a pluralized name:

class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  mount :phones

If you need to mount a mapper with already pluralized name to handle single item in common fashion, mount it with collection: false option:

class SeamstressMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  mount :scissors, collection: false

If you need your root mapper to handle a collection of items, initialize it with collection: true option:

mapper =, collection: true)


Mapper that will be used for mapping collection should define key mapping. Flatter offers key class-level method to do it easier. You can call it on mapper definition:

class PhoneMapper
  key :id

or when mounting mapper for collection handling:

class PersonMapper
  mount :phones do
    key -> { target.number }

All non-nil key mappings have to have unique value (within collection they belong to). Otherwise NonUniqKeysError will be raised on reading. All items that have nil as a key value are considered to be "new items". All such items are removed from collection on writing.


As well as can be expected, collection mappers provide an array of hashes derived from reading from all items in the collection. Each hash in this array will have "key" key for item identification. It should be used for writing (see bellow). For example:

class CompanyMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map company_name: :name

  mount :departments do
    key :id

    mount :location

class DepartmentMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map department_name: :name

class LocationMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map location_name: :name

# ...

mapper = # =>
  # { "company_name" => "Web Developers, Inc.",
  #   "departments"  => [{
  #     "key" => 1,
  #     "department_name" => "R & D",
  #     "location_name" => "Good Office"
  #   }, {
  #     "key" => 2,
  #     "department_name" => "QA",
  #     "location_name" => "QA Office"
  #   }]
  # }


To update collection items, you should pass an array of hashes to it's mapper. Value of the :key key of each hash is important and defines how each set of params will be used.

  • If key is present in the original collection, params hash will be used to update mapped item via write method

  • If key is nil, params are treated as attributes for the new record, so new instance of mapped target class is created and updated via write method.

  • In original collection, all items with keys that are not listed in given array of hash params considered to be marked for destruction and corresponding items will be removed from mapped collection. The same concerns for all current items in collection, which have key mapped to nil.

Example:   # => [1, 2] # => ["R & D", "QA"]

company_mapper.write(departments: [
  {key: 1, department_name: "D & R"},
  {department_name: "Testers"}
])   # => [1, nil] # => ["D & R", "Testers"]

Attribute Methods

When you use mappers to map collection of items, attribute method behavior is slightly different. For example, when you have

class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :first_name, :last_name
  mount :phone

class DepartmentMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  mount :people do
    key :id

department_mapper.first_name no longer able to return specific value, since it's not clear which first name should it be. Thus, when mapper is mounted as a collection item, instead of singular value accessors you gain pluralized reader methods:

  # all first_names of all people of the mapped department:
  department_mapper.first_names # => ["John", "Derek"]

The same concerns for all nested (singular or collection) mappings and mountings under collection mapper:

  # all phone number of all people of the mapped department
  department_mapper.phone_numbers # => ["111-222-3333", "222-111-33333"]

  # all the people
  department_mapper.people # =>
  # [{"first_name" => "John", "last_name" => "Smith", "key" => 1, "phone_number" => "111-222-3333"},
  #  {"first_name" => "Derek", "last_name" => "Parker", "key" => 2, "phone_number" => "222-111-3333"}]

  # all phones (note the :phone mapper mounted on :people, opposed to it's :phone_number mapping)
  department_mapper.phones # =>
  # [{"phone_number" => "111-222-3333"}, {"phone_number" => "222-111-33333"}]

Please note that attempt to use writer method to update collection of mappings, such as first_names= will raise runtime "Cannot directly write to a collection" error. To update collection items and their data you have to use write/apply methods to utilize key-dependent logic to properly update your collection items alongside with all nested mappings/mountings they might have.


Since all errors after validation process are consolidated into a plain hash of errors, there is a need to distinct errors of one collection items from another ones. To achieve this, Flatter adds special prefix to error key, which is formed from collection name and item index (not id or key). For example:

class Person
  include ActiveModel::Model

  attr_accessor :name, :age

class Department
  include ActiveModel::Model

  attr_accessor :name

  def people
    @people ||= []

class PersonMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map :age, person_name: :name

  validates :age, numericality: {only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 1}

class DepartmentMapper < Flatter::Mapper
  map department_name: :name

  mount :people

department =
mapper =
mapper.apply(people: [
  { person_name: "John", age: "22.5" },
  { person_name: "Dave", age: "18" },
  { person_name: "Kile", age: "0" }
]) # => false

mapper.errors.messages # =>
  # { :"people.0.age" => ["must be an integer"],
  #   :"people.2.age" => ["must be greater than or equal to 1"] }


Aside from core functionality and behavior described above, there is also number of handy extensions (which originally were hosted in their own gem, but now are the part of the flatter) that have aim to help you use mappers more efficiently. At this point there are following extensions:

  • :multiparam Allows you to define multiparam mappings by adding :multiparam option to mapping. Works pretty much like Rails multiparam attribute assignment.
  • :skipping Allows to skip mappers (mountings) from the processing chain by calling skip! method on a particular mapper. When used in before validation callbacks, for example, allows you to ignore some extra processing.
  • :order Allows you to manually control processing order of mappers and their mountings. Provides :index option for mountings, which can be either a Number, which means order for both validation and saving routines, or a hash like index: {validate: -1, save: 2}. By default all mappers have index of 0 and processed from top to bottom.
  • :active_record Very useful extension that allows you to effectively use mappers when working with ActiveRecord objects with defined relationships and associations that form a structured graph that you want to work with as a plain data structure.

Public API

Some methods of the public API that should help you building your mappers:

Mapper methods

  • name - return a mapper name.

  • target - returns mapper target - an object mapper extracts values from and assigns values to using defined mappings.

  • mappings - returns a plain hash of all the mappings (including ones related to mounted mappers) in a form of {name <String> => mapping object <Mapping>}. Note that for empty collections there will be no mentions of item mappings at all. If collection has only one item, it's mappings will be listed as the rest. If there are multiple same-named mappings, they will be listed in array.

  • mapping_names - returns a list of all available mappings. This differs from mappings.keys, since mapping_names represents a list of all mappings that may be used by mapper. Essentially, this is the list of mapper's attribute accessor methods.

  • mapping(name) - returns a mapping with a name name. The same as mappings[name.to_s]

  • mountings - returns a plain hash of all mounted mappers (including all used traits) in a form of {name <String> => mapper object <Mapper>}. Just like in case with mappings, mountings with same name will be listed in array.

  • mounting_names - returns a list of all available mountings. This represents a list of reader methods that will return a sub-hash of specific mounting or an array of such hashes for collections.

  • mounting(name) - finds a mounting by name. Best used for addressing singular mountings within a mapper, but also has other internal usages under the hood (see sources of Flatter::Mapper::AttributeMethods module).

  • read - returns a hash of all values obtained by all mappings in a form of {name <String> => value <Object>}.

  • write(params) - for each defined mapping, including mappings from mounted mappers and traits, passes value from params that corresponds to mapping name to that mapping's write method.

  • valid? - runs validation routines and returns true if there are no errors.

  • errors - returns mapper's Errors object.

  • save - runs save routines. If target object responds to save method, will call it and return it's value. Returns true otherwise. If multiple mappers are mounted, returns true only if all mounted mappers returned true on saving their targets.

  • apply(params) - writes params, runs validation and runs save routines if validation passed.

  • collection? - returns true if mapper is a collection mapper.

  • trait? - returns true if mapper is a trait mapper.

Mapping methods

  • name - returns mapping name.

  • target_attribute - returns an attribute name which mapping maps to.

  • read - reads value from target according to setup.

  • read! - tries to directly read value from target based on mapping's target_attribute property. Ignores :reader option.

  • write(value) - assigns a value to target according to setup.

  • write!(value) - tries to directly assign a value to target based on mapping's target_attribute property. Ignores :writer option.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.