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Releases: akshinmustafayev/EasyJob

EasyJob 1.1.9

29 May 15:25
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  1. Refactored context menu code
  2. Added possibility to Copy buttons
  3. Added possibility to Paste copied buttons into any tab
  4. Added copy button restriction parameter
"block_buttons_copy": false
  1. Added paste button restriction parameter
"block_buttons_paste": false
  1. Added Help video for "Copy button" and "Paste button" restriction parameters

EasyJob 1.1.8

28 May 11:15
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Fixed AnswerDialog answers UI.
Now it will show scrollbar when answers are way too many.

EasyJob 1.1.7

11 Nov 17:18
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  1. Added Color tags window
  2. Added possibility to hide Color Tags menu item from the main menu

EasyJob 1.1.6

04 Nov 10:07
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  1. Added select file dialog for button script on Add Button and Edit button dialogs
  2. Added accessible names to many controls and set focus to false for controls where it wasn't necessary to have keyboard access by @digitaldarragh

EasyJob 1.1.5

25 Oct 16:51
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  1. Added play button on the Help Dialog
  2. Changed OK accent color to blue for the Answer window
  3. Added possibility to set output text color via tags
  4. Added "console_ignore_color_tags" parameter
  5. Added video manual for the console_ignore_color_tags parameter
  6. Cleaned unused classes for the WpfRichText control
  7. Refactored code for Context Menus
  8. Added "Rename tab" item to the Tab context menu
  9. Added "block_tabs_rename" restriction parameter
  10. Rewrited EasyJobPSTools powershell module and added into the project. Removed old powershell module
  11. Main Windows will not reload if nothing changed on "Reorder Tabs" and "Reorder Buttons" windows
  12. After button reordering, those Tab will be selected on which buttons are located
  13. Current tab name will be shown in the input box of the Rename Tab window
  14. Added color tags examples to the scripts

EasyJob 1.1.4

21 Oct 17:15
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New features:

  1. Now there is colored console support. To add colored text to console use HTML. Example:
Write-Host "<span style=`"color:red;`">Some error</span>"
Write-Host "<span style=`"color:yellow;`">Some warning alert</span>"

Note: see example in the release


  1. Fixed bug when scrollbar would appear at the end of the inner text, not the control itself


  1. Added blue color accent to Save button on "Edit button" window
  2. Some code cleanup
  3. Added help to all items on the Edit Button window

EasyJob 1.1.3

19 Oct 07:58
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New features:

  1. Changed help window design. It is more flexible now
  2. Added help to all configuration items
  3. Added video help


  1. IMPORTANT: fixed bug when not all data would output to console
  2. Fixed bug when could not change script type from Bat to PowerShell

Small changes:

  1. Increased width of some windows
  2. Added blue color accent to buttons on some windows
  3. Refactored some functions

EasyJob 1.1.2

16 Oct 14:21
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  1. Updated license type from apache 2.0 to GNU GPLv3
  2. Fixed typo on Create new tab window
  3. Added help on Add button dialog. "?" button will show information about parameter with examples
  4. Added configuration window. You can configure all settings from the configuration window
  5. Added possibility to hide Configuration window:
    "hide_menu_item_settings": false,
  6. Small code optimizations

EasyJob 1.1.1

13 Oct 16:49
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  1. Now you can reorder buttons from the both context and main menu
  2. Now you can hide almost all menu items as well as items from the context menu. Added parameters:
    "block_buttons_reorder": false,
    "hide_menu_item_file_reload_config": false,
    "hide_menu_item_file_open_app_folder": false,
    "hide_menu_item_file_clear_events_list": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow_reorder_tabs": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow_add_tab": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow_remove_current_tab": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow_rename_current_tab": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow_add_button_to_current_tab": false,
    "hide_menu_item_settings_workflow_reorder_buttons_in_current_tab": false,
    "hide_menu_item_help": false,
    "hide_menu_item_help_troubleshooting": false,
    "hide_menu_item_help_about": false

EasyJob 1.1.0

11 Oct 17:20
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  1. Now you can edit buttons from the context menu. Settings are saved automatically
  2. Added icons to context menu