- Tanmay Kavathekar
Robots using bipedal locomotion are called biped robots ie. they can walk on two legs and are often found within the class of robots known as humanoid robots.The aim of the project is to design an autonomous robot which will walk on two legs. The robot will have 6 DOF (Degree Of Freedom), 3 for each leg.We also learn the concept of centre of gravity (CG) and how it the concept is applied by the human body to maintain stability while walking. At the same time we learn the different phases through which the limbs undergo to create a smooth walking motion. The robot is controlled by using Embedded C , wherein the program is used to generate PWM (pulse width modulation) signal to control the Servo motors.
- Embedded C
References to important resources.
ATMEGA 640 Development Board Manual
ATMEGA 640 Datasheet