Matlab code used to produce the results discussed in Surface Meltwater Impounded by Seasonal Englacial Storage in West Greenland. See for access to manuscript.
- .mat versions of the data files archived as .csv files in
- Contains indentified internal layer power, bed power, and atmospheric weather station (AWS) temperature and melt data.
Ice Attenuation Model
- Matlab scripts used to estimate the expected change in radar attenuation through the top 50m of ice due to seasonal surface temperature variations.
- tempPowerLoss.m is the wrapper script that uses the iceTempModel and iceAttenuationModel functions to estimate radar attenuation.
Water Layer Scattering Model
Matlab scripts used to both
- Forward model radar attenuation from observed surface melting for a given water conductivity, englacial layer porosity and pore size.
- Estimate water layer thickness from observed observed internal layer radar attenuation for a given conductivity, porosity, and pore size
- computeStorageScatt.m is the wrapper script that calculates the estimated water storage from observed internal layer attenuation for a given conductivity, porosity and pore size
- modelEnglacialAttenuation.m is the wrapper script that forward models radar attenuation from observed AWS melt data for a given conductivity and porosity and a range of pore sizes. This script will loop over the range of pore sizes and estimate the best fit pore size given the radar observed average internal layer attenuation. This script replicates Figure 3 of the manuscript described above
- plotRadarAttenuation.m is the script that plots the observed internal layer power after applying the offset correction between deployment 1 and deployment 2
- Fork or download repository
- Visit
- Download "Maetzler's MATLAB code for Mie theory"
- Modify getMieScatter.m to return the scattering efficiency, qsca, as the fourth element of musgp (i.e. change line 58 from musgp= real([mus g musp]); to musgp= real([mus g musp qsca]);
- Place Mie scattering code in current working directory or add to your MATLAB's path
Mie scattering code required to estimate water storage and forward model radar attenuation
Optical Constant Data for changing frequency in volume scattering code
See also: