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Jenkins Pipelines Examples

Keep a few examples of Jenkins Pipelines. Mostly used for demo and training.

Look in each directory and find the Jenkinsfile with the example. See more details are in the Jenkinsfile comments.

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Setup Local Jenkins

These examples assume a simple setup of a single Jenkins master and two agents.

The setup is installed and run in a Vagrant image.

Spin up the Vagrant VM

Run the following in the root of the repository

# Spin up the Vagrant VM
$ vagrant up

# Once finished, ssh into VM
$ vagrant ssh

Start a local Jenkins master

  • Build the custom Jenkins Docker image
# Go into the directory that has the repository files
$ cd /opt/provisioning/

# Build the Jenkins Docker image
$ docker build -t jenkinsx:1 -f jenkins/Dockerfile .
  • Prepare directories and permissions
# Permissions on /var/run/docker.sock
$ sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

# Directory for Jenkins home
$ mkdir -p ~/jenkins_home
$ chmod -R 777 ~/jenkins_home
  • Start the Jenkins master
$ docker run -d --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v ~/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkinsx:1
  • Browse to and complete the initial setup wizard
    • Get initial admin password from docker logs jenkins output
    • Install suggested plugins
    • Install the Docker Slaves Plugin (for dynamic Docker agent provisioning per build)
    • Install the Blue Ocean plugin (recommended)
  • Define two Jenkins agents (slaves)
    • Create two nodes from the Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes
    • Call the nodes agent1 and agent2
    • Set remote root directory to /home/jenkins
    • Configure them to Launch method -> Launch agent via Java Web Start
    • Get the secret token for each node (AGENT1_TOKEN and AGENT2_TOKEN)

Start two Jenkins agents (slaves)

Once you have the tokens for the agents, start the two agents

# Start agent 1
$ docker run -d --link jenkins:jenkins-server --name agent1 jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:3.7-1 -url http://jenkins-server:8080 ${AGENT1_TOKEN} agent1

# Start agent 2
$ docker run -d --link jenkins:jenkins-server --name agent2 jenkinsci/jnlp-slave:3.7-1 -url http://jenkins-server:8080 ${AGENT2_TOKEN} agent2

Create Pipeline jobs

You can create a Pipeline type job using any of the provided examples in the different directories


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