Demo of Quantum State Tomography [video demonstration]
All the code can be found in qst_demo/ folder.
Overview | Circuit |
Camera Slider [video demonstration]
All the code can be found in camera_slider/ folder.
Overview | |
Name | Description |
Control an LED | [Tutorial] on how to turn on and off an LED with Raspberry Pi |
Control Stepper Motor | [Tutorial by adafruit] on how to control Stepper Motor using L293D with Raspberry Pi |
Fritzing | Allows to document prototypes (graphical designer to draw electric circuits) |
Item | Description |
Motor Driver for Steppers - L293D | [link to adafruit] |
Stepper Motor | For example [this one on adafruit] or [this one on aliexpress] |
LEDs | [link to aliexpress] |