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This extension is meant for use in enviroments where you want non-superusers to be able to use certain database features, such as creating logical replication connections using PostgreSQL® 10+'s logical replications SUBSCRIPTION/PUBLICATION concepts or configuring the auto_explain extension.

It allows you to use logical replication when installed originally by root and the user using it has the REPLICATION privilege.

Please note that when loading the auto_explain extension, it is loaded for the current session only.


To create the Aiven extras extension, run the following after connecting to the database you wish to enable it in:

$ CREATE EXTENSION aiven_extras;


The functions included are:

Name Result data type Argument data types
auto_explain_load void
claim_public_schema_ownership void
dblink_record_execute SETOF record text, text
dblink_slot_create_or_drop void arg_connection_string text, arg_slot_name text, arg_action text
explain_statement SETOF json arg_query text
pg_alter_subscription_disable void arg_subscription_name text
pg_alter_subscription_enable void arg_subscription_name text
pg_alter_subscription_refresh_publication void arg_subscription_name text, arg_copy_data boolean DEFAULT true
pg_create_publication void arg_publication_name text, arg_publish text, VARIADIC arg_tables text[] DEFAULT ARRAY[]::text[]
pg_create_publication_for_all_tables void arg_publication_name text, arg_publish text
pg_create_subscription void arg_subscription_name text, arg_connection_string text, arg_publication_name text, arg_slot_name text, arg_slot_create boolean DEFAULT false, arg_copy_data boolean DEFAULT true
pg_drop_subscription void arg_subscription_name text
pg_list_all_subscriptions SETOF aiven_extras.aiven_pg_subscription
pg_stat_replication_list SETOF aiven_extras.aiven_pg_stat_replication
session_replication_role text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_analyze text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_buffers text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_format text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_min_duration text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_nested_statements text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_timing text arg_parameter text
set_auto_explain_log_verbose text arg_parameter text
set_pgaudit_parameter void arg_parameter text, arg_database text, arg_value text
set_pgaudit_role_parameter void arg_parameter text, arg_role text, arg_value text


Managing subscriptions:

-- Create a new subscription
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_create_subscription(
    'dbname=defaultdb port=26882 sslmode=require user=avnadmin password=secret',

-- List all subscriptions
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_list_all_subscriptions();

-- Drop a subscription
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_drop_subscription('subscription');

-- Create a publication `pub1` with `publish='INSERT,UPDATE'` for tables `foo` and `bar`
-- (Note: use fully qualified names)
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_create_publication('pub1', 'INSERT,UPDATE', '', '');

-- Create a publication `pub2` with `publish='INSERT'` for all tables
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_create_publication_for_all_tables('pub2', 'INSERT');

-- Disable a subscription
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_alter_subscription_disable('subscription');

-- Enable a subscription
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_alter_subscription_enable('subscription');

-- Refresh a subscribed publication with `copy_data` set to FALSE
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.pg_alter_subscription_refresh_publication('subscription', FALSE);

Configuring auto-explain:

For details, refer to PostgreSQL's documentation, but note that arguments for the exposed functions are of type text. Also note that currently aiven_extras implements a subset of the available functions.

-- Load the extension for the current session
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.auto_explain_load();

-- Set minimum duration to 2000 ms
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.set_auto_explain_log_min_duration('2000');

-- Enable ANALYZE
SELECT * FROM aiven_extras.set_auto_explain_log_analyze('on');


Aiven extras Extension is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Full license text is available in the LICENSE file and at


Aiven extras extension was created by Hannu Valtonen [email protected] for Aiven Cloud Database and is now maintained by Aiven developers.

Aiven Cloud Database:

Recent contributors are listed on the GitHub project page,


Bug reports and patches are very welcome, please post them as GitHub issues and pull requests at . Any possible vulnerabilities or other serious issues should be reported directly to the maintainers [email protected].


Postgres, PostgreSQL and the Slonik Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the PostgreSQL Community Association of Canada, and used with their permission.


Copyright (C) 2018 Aiven Ltd