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		<title>Readme Information Workbench</title>
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		<h1 align="center">fluidOps Information Workbench Readme</h1>

		<br />
			<li><a href="#compatibility">Installation Requirements</a></li>
			<li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
				<li><a href="#installation_windows">Windows</a></li>
				<li><a href="#installation_linux">Linux</a></li>
				<li><a href="#installation_osx">Mac OS X</a></li>
			<li><a href="#getting_started">Getting Started</a></li>
			<li><a href="#help">Getting Help</a></li>
			<li><a href="#trouble_shooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
			<li><a href="#features">New Features</a></li>
			<li><a href="#issues">Known Issues</a></li>

		<a name="compatibility"><h2>Installation Requirements</h2></a>
		<p>Operating System</p>
			<li>Windows (64-bit only): Windows 7, Windows Server 2008</li>
			<li>Linux (64-bit only): openSUSE 12.1</li>
		<p>Java Runtime Environment</p>
			<li>JRE &gt;=1.7.0_25 64 bit</li>
		<p>32-bit systems, other Linux Distributions, different versions of Windows or OS X systems may also work, 
		however have not been tested extensively.</p> 
			<li>Firefox &gt;=17.x (ESR)</li>
			<li>Internet Explorer &gt;=8</li>
			<li>Safari &gt;=5.1.7</li>
		<p>Other browsers may also work, however have not been tested extensively.</p>
		<a name="installation"><h2>Installation</h2></a>
		<p>The Information Workbench supports both Windows and Linux based
			operating systems.</p>
		<a name="installation_windows"><h3>Windows</h3></a>
		<h4>Installation with the Windows Installer</h4>
		<p>Installing the Information Workbench on Windows can be done easily 
		using the Windows installer.</p> 
			You can start/stop the application using the
			Windows <i>services</i> configuration tool (i.e.
			Start-&gt;Run-&gt;services.msc). The Information Workbench service is
			called <i>fluid Operations Information Workbench</i>.
		<h4>Installation from the zip-distribution</h4>
			It is recommended to use a 64bit Windows operating system with a
			64Bit Java SE Runtime Environment in version 1.7 (taken from the
			JDK). The reference version shipped with the installer is JRE SE <i>1.7.0_25
				64bit</i>. This is also the version used in steps a) and b) below.
		<p>Unpack the distribution into a directory of your choice  
		(e.g. C:\IWB). In the following, we will refer to the absolute
		pathname of this directory by &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;.</p>
			<li><b>Running the Information Workbench as executable</b></li>
			<p>Execute <code>&lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;/start.cmd</code></p>

			<li><b>Running the Information Workbench on a 32bit Windows
				operating system</b></li>
			<p>The Information Workbench can be run on a 32bit Windows
			operating system by following the steps below:</p>

				<li>Download and install Java SE 32-Bit JDK version 1.7 (<a
				<li>Set the path of java.exe in the file
				&lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;/fiwb/backend.conf, examples:</li>
							Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\java.exe</i> (absolute path)</li>
					<li><i></i> (if the java command is
						in the Path environment)</li>
				<li>Execute the Information Workbench as described above.

		<a name="installation_linux"><h3>Linux</h3></a>

		<p>To run the Information Workbench under Linux a Java SE Runtime
			Environment version 1.7 (taken from the JDK) must be installed. Note
			that the Information Workbench does not ship a reference version
			bundled with the release.</p>
		<p>Unpack the distribution into a directory of your choice  
		(e.g. /opt/fluidOps/IWB). In the following, we will refer to the absolute
		pathname of this directory by &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;.</p>

			<li>Download and install Java SE 64-Bit JDK version 1.7
			<li>Make sure the java command is added to the command-path of the user root.</li>
			<b>a) Running as service</b>
			<li>Create a user under which the iwb shall run, e.g. "fluid" (in the following we will refer to this user as &lt;IWB_USER&gt;).</li>
			<li>If you did not choose "fluid" as user, the script &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;/fiwb/ has to be adapted accordingly:
					<li>Search for "RUN_AS_USER=fluid" and replace fluid by &lt;IWB_USER&gt;</li>
			<li>Exceute the script in &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt; as user root, like follows: 
			<br><code>bash -eu &lt;IWB_USER&gt;</code>
		<p>This installs an init-script as <code>/etc/init.d/iwb</code> and starts the application. 
		To make sure this script is executed on reboot create corresponding links in the run-level specific directories.
		Depending on your distribution, this can be done with: 
		<code>chkconfig -a iwb</code> or with <code>insserv iwb</code>
			<b>b) Running the Information Workbench as executable</b>
			<li>Make sure all script are executable by executing in &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;:
			<br><code>chmod +x *.sh fiwb/*.sh fiwb/wrapper-linux*</code>
			<li>If you do not want to run the Information Workbench as user "fluid", the script &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;/fiwb/ has to be adapted accordingly:
					<li>Search for "RUN_AS_USER=fluid" and replace fluid by your preferred user (this user must exist on your system)</li>
			<li>Execute <code></code> in &lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;.

		<a name="installation_osx"><h3>Mac OS X</h3></a>
		<p>Please note that, while we have successfully installed and run the Information Workbench on Mac OS X,
		this platform is not officially supported.
		To run the Information Workbench on Mac OS X you need
		<li>a compatible version of the Java runtime  (ideally, version 1.7).
		OS X may ask you whether to install a Java runtime automatically if it detects that one is needed but missing.</li>
		<li>the Information Workbench distribution (.zip file).</li>
		To get started, proceed as follows:
		<li>Unpack the Information Workbench zip distribution.
		<li>Open the terminal application and cd into the unpacked distribution (e.g. 'cd Desktop/IWB' [ENTER])</li>
		<li>Make scripts executable by typing 'chmod +x *.sh fiwb/*.sh fiwb/wrapper*' [ENTER])</li>
		<li>In the file, 'fiwb/', modify the value for RUN_AS_USER=fluid to the user name that is intended to run the Information Workbench. (Alternatively, create a user account with the name 'fluid'.)
		<li>To start the Information Workbench, now type './' [ENTER]</li>
		<li>After a few seconds, you should be able to access the Information Workbench in you browser locally
		under the address <a href="http://localhost:8888">http://localhost:8888</a></li>
		<a name="getting_started"><h2>Opening the Information Workbench</h2></a>

			Once the Information Workbench is running (startup may take up to a few minutes), it can be accessed at <b><a
			</b>. On the default start page you can find a tutorial with some first
			steps as well as links to important pages (such as the detailed user

			By default, an administrator account with credentials <b>admin/iwb</b>
			is created. It is highly recommended to change the password in the
			Admin area after the first login.

		<h3>Shutting down the Information Workbench</h3>
			<li><b>Windows Service:</b> Go to the Services configuration
				tool and stop the service</li>
			<li><b>Linux Daemon:</b> Invoke /etc/init.d/iwb stop</li>
			<li><b>Commandline:</b> Exit the Information Workbench by
				clicking in the command line window and pressing Ctrl + c.</li>
			<li><b>IMPORTANT:</b> Never exit the Information Workbench by
				closing the command line window without proper shutdown. This can
				result in corrupting the data store and loss of data.</li>

		<h3>Using the Information Workbench SDK in Eclipse</h3>

		<p>For the following steps we assume the reader to be familiar with the 
		development platform Eclipse. Please refer to the user documentation for details.</p>

		<p>This tutorial assumes that you have the fluidOps platform
			(i.e., the eCloudManager or the Information Workbench) installed
			into the directory &lt;APPLICATION-WORKINGDIR&gt;, and that it has
			already been started once. Furthermore, we assume that the IDE
			Eclipse is available. On Windows make sure to install the platform 
			in a directory, where write access is enabled (i.e. other than C:\Program Files). </p>

			<li> Run the SDK setup script setup.cmd/sh contained in the distribution in the application working directory (i.e., fiwb/sdk/* or fecm/sdk/*). This script creates a pre-configured Eclipse project for your solution in the selected workspace.</li>			
			<li>Follow the instructions and enter a project location of your choice (called &lt;SOLUTION-PATH&gt; in the following)</li>
   			<li>Run Eclipse and import the just created project into your workspace</li>
    		<li>(Optional) Import the contents of the sample solution (&lt;APPLICATION-WORKINGDIR&gt;/{fiwb|fecm}/sdk/ into this project</li>
    		<li>Run the launch configuration &lt;SOLUTION-PATH&gt;/Start_%ProjectName%.launch (Right-Click => Run-As)</li>
		<p>You can see the automatically deployed solution in your local instance by navigating to the 
		instance (i.e., http://localhost:8888 for the Information Workbench).</p>
		<p>To create a solution artifact, please use the launch configuration Build Solution Artifact available 
		in &lt;SOLUTION-PATH&gt;/build/launch. </p>
    	<p>Details about the fluidOps SDK can be found on the <i>Help:PlatformSDK</i> page in a running system.</p>

		<a name="help"><h2>Getting Help</h2></a>
			<li>Information Workbench home page: <a
			<li>Information Workbench mailing list: iwb-discussion (at) (<a
			<li>Help: <a href="http://localhost:8888/resource/Help:Help">http://localhost:8888/resource/Help:Help</a>
				(accessible once the Information Workbench has been started)</li>
		<a name="trouble_shooting"><h2>Troubleshooting</h2></a>
		<p>	<b>Where can I find additional information</b> </p>
		<p>The Information Workbench is configured to write logging output to <i>&lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;/fiwb/logs/</i>. 
		Runtime logs of the Information Workbench can be found in service.log, while output
		of the wrapper is written to <i>wrapper.log</i>. Please consider these files as a first source
		for further information. Note that the logging level can be configured in <i>&lt;IWB_HOME_DIRECTORY&gt;/fiwb/etc/</i>.</p>

		<p>If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact
		<h2><a name="features">New Features</a></h2>
			<li>Version 5.2</li>
				<li>New instance creation widget with advanced editing capabilities</li>
					<li>Deprecates the DataInputWidget and SimpleNewInstance</li>
					<li>Fully configurable instances (type, URI scheme, etc.)</li>
					<li>Allows to configure predefined properties on the new instance</li>
					<li>Different rendering options (popup, inline, etc.)</li>
				<li>Support for multiple repositories using the Platform Repository Manager</li>
				<li>Support for parameterized queries</li>
				<li>Web interface for RESTful API endpoint</li>
				<li>Syntax highlighting in file editor (XML, Properties, etc.)</li>
				<li>Enhancements in the usability, including</li>
					<li>System configuration is now searchable</li>					
					<li>Configuration forms show proper display names</li>
					<li>Support for auto suggestions in workflow widgets</li>
					<li>Included wiki page templates of parser functions are now shown in wiki editor</li>
				<li>Improvements to diagnostics functionality (query diagnostics, repository tool, wiki diagnostics)</li>
				<li>Support for standalone browser mode on mobile devices</li>
			<li>Version 5.1</li>
				<li>Enhancements to the fluidOps Platform SDK (Solution Development Kit), in particular documentation (e.g. how to build solutions, SDK components)</li>
				<li>Editor for SPARQL queries with auto-suggestion support for properties and classes (also available in the configuration form)</li>
				<li>Support for parametrized wiki templates</li>
				<li>Support for common MediaWiki parser functions (#show, #if, #ask, #foreach)</li>
				<li>Workflow functionality with the CodeExecutionWidget and ActionableResultWidget, including simple form-based workflows</li>
				<li>Enhanced TreeResultWidget for representation of tree-like data</li>
				<li>UI customization hooks and documentation</li>
				<li>Integration of ontology editors</li>
				<li>Enhancements in the usability, including</li>
					<li>Unified and redesigned configuration forms (widget configuration and provider configuration)</li>
					<li>Progress during file upload</li>
					<li>Configurable column width in table result</li>
					<li>Overview page for Templates as well as registered SPARQL functions</li>
				<li>Important framework upgrades</li>
					<li>Upgrade to Sesame 2.7</li>
					<li>Upgrade to Java 1.7</li>
			<li><i>Version numbering aligned with fluidOps Platform</i></li>
			<li>Version 2.5.1</li>
				<li>Information Workbench 2.5.1 is a bug fix release</li>
				<li>Lucene Index performance issues with large data have been resolved</li>
				<li>Improvements to chart and graph engine</li>
				<li>Improvements to TableResultWidget configuration for displaying column names</li>
			<li>Version 2.5</li>
				<li>Triple Editor Enhancements, including</li>
					<li>Ontology driven editor</li>
					<li>Customizable triple editor in wiki templates</li>
					<li>Validation against XML Schema datatypes</li>
					<li>New input components for special datatypes, including a date picker</li>
					<li>Cardinality support for properties</li>
				<li>Templates for ontology editing</li>
				<li>Configurable auto-completion for search and editing</li>
				<li>Triple Store support for Systap Bigdata</li>
				<li>Widget-based query result visualization</li>
					<li>automated widget suggestion based on query results</li>
					<li>persisting visualizations on wiki pages</li>
				<li>SPARQL Editor with syntax highlighting</li>
				<li>Search enhancements</li>
					<li>Query persistence (visualization of structured query results in form of dashboards)</li>
					<li>Hybrid Search enhancements</li>
				<li>Extended documentation including PDF handbook</li>
				<li>Integrated support for Basic Authentication in the SPARQL endpoint</li>
				<li>Diagnostics for errors in wiki pages</li>
			<li>Version 2.4</li>
				<li>New and improved triple editor that</li>
					<li>allows submitting changes in a transactional manner</li>
					<li>nicely displays properties in a clustered manner</li>
				<li>Form based search, including free definition of search-input fields</li>
				<li>Support of Oracle RDBMS as triple store</li>
				<li>Integration of <a href="">Silk</a> framework for resource reconciliation.</li>
				<li>Integration of new chart-widgets that require Javascript only and no longer require flash</li>
				<li>Improved configuration of widgets that allows to define preconditions for when 
				widgets shall be rendered</li>
				<li>Restructered and improved help- and admin-pages</li>
				<li>Possibility to install customization artifacts at runtime through a remote interface</li>

		<h2><a name="issues">Known Issues</a></h2>
			<li>Version 5.2</li>
				<li>Bug 12394: Legacy widget notation with a space in front of colon ("#widget :") does not correctly render for restricted users</li>
				<li>Bug 11732: Timeline Widget does not work in IE8</li>
				<li>Bug 11521: Advanced SPARQL editor does not work in IE8, fallback to simple version</li>
				<li>Bug 9252: Links in Pivot View do not work in Safari under Windows</li>
				<li>Bug 5307: Widgets with query evaluation not working if query contains || in Filter, workaround using {{Pipe}} including UI support</li>
				<li>Bug 6270: It is impossible to log out from a user session if ACLs are improperly configured</li>
				<li>Bug 7511: WikiFileStorage maps URI containing * to those containing _ potentially overwriting existing wiki pages</li>
				<li>Bug 7548: WikiExport and Bootstrap cannot deal with different capitalization in a wiki page</li>
				<li>Bug 9335: TripleEditor: delete operation deletes duplicate statements, if they occur in different contexts</li>
				<li>Bug 8265: Input fields occasionally disappear in Triple Editor in IE8</li>   


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