Linked Data of the Russian Museum: data gathering tools
This repository provides tools and utils (ruby scripts actually) to gather data for Russian Museum Culture Cloud project based on FluidOps Informational WorkBench and The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model.
Resulting datasets separeted to CultureCloud-Datasets repository
Contains directories with ruby script for crawling data from the data sources (such as: Russian Museum Gallery and WikiArt) Common libraries stored into crawling dir.
Used 3rd party ruby libs:
Archived iwb xml import rules
Newest version have some problems building Nokogiri ruby gem from sources, so I recommend to try Ruby 2.00:
Download Ruby 2.0.0-p594 (x86 or x86_64) from:
Install it, for, let's say:
Download DEVELOPMENT KIT from the same webpage ( ) for use with Ruby 2.0 and 2.1
Extract Development Kit to some folder. Let's say, to "C:\Ruby200\devkit"
Run commant promt cmd.exe (hotkey WIN+R)
Change working dir to ruby path:
cd C:\Ruby200\
Set ruby variables:
Set devkit variables:
Install required Nokogiri gem:
gem install nokogiri
Install required colorize gem:
gem install colorize
Install required rdf-turtle gem:
gem install rdf-turtle
Clone rm-lod project to your local machine
Change working dir to rmGalleryCrawler path:
cd C:\Ruby200\code\path\to\rm-lod\rmGalleryCrawler
Run ruby script:
ruby rmGalleryRDFBuilder.rb